The Day of the Beast (1995)
The story revolves around a Basque Roman Catholic priest dedicated to committing as many sins as possible, a death metal salesman from Carabanchel, and the Italian host of a TV show on the occult. These go on a literal "trip" through Christmas-time Madrid to hunt for and prevent the reincarnation of the Antichrist.
- Álex de la Iglesia
- José María González Sinde
- Jorge Sempere
- Jorge Guerricaechevarría
- Álex de la Iglesia
Rating: 7.268/10 by 531 users
Alternative Title:
Денят на звяра - BG
Dan zvijeri - HR
Dzien bestii - PL
День зверя - RU
야수의 날 - KR
The Day of the Beast - NL
Runtime: 01 hour 43 minutes
Budget: $0
Revenue: $4,367,497
Plot Keyword: virgin, neo-nazism, madrid, spain, prophecy, telecaster, dark comedy, black magic, surrealism, heavy metal, hallucinogen, anti-christ, murder, inferno, apocalypse, devil, crucifix, catholic priest
Bizarre and doesn't make a lick of sense at times, but thoroughly entertaining with the blend of horror, fantasy and dark comedy. **3.75/5**