Apr 04, 1910
Place of Birth: Haarlem, Netherlands
Place of Birth: Haarlem, Netherlands
Georgette Hagedoorn
Movie | Cast | Year |
Hé... mag ik mijn echtgenote terug | Tante Minnie | 1974 |
Evenaar | Oma | 1985 | Series | Cast | Year |
In De Hoofdrol | Self | 1960 |
Thomas & Senior | Baronesse | 1985 |
Old People and the Things That Pass | Aunt Stefanie De Laders | 1975 |
Rust Roest | Anja van Alphen | 1989 |
Erik of het Klein Insectenboek | Mevrouw van Vliesvleugel, Wesp | 1979 |