image of Todor Kolev
Birthday: Aug 26, 1939
Place of Birth: Shumen, Bulgaria

Todor Kolev

Todor Petrov Kolev (Bulgarian: Тодор Колев; 26 August 1939 – 15 February 2013) was a leading Bulgarian film and stage actor, singer, comedian and TV presenter. Born in Shumen, his first major film was Tsar i General (Tsar and General) in 1966. He has appeared in more than 30 films. He is best known to the Bulgarian audience by his roles in comedies such as Gospodin za edin den (King for a day), Dvoynikat (The Double), Prebroyavane na Divite Zaytsi (The Hare Census), Tsarska Piesa (Royal Play), Posledniyat Ergen (The Last Bachelor), Opasen Char (Dangerous Charm). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Movie Cast Year
The Goat Horn Deli 1972
Tsar and General 1966
King for a Day Purko 1983
Dangerous Charm Gencho Gunchev 1984
Third Planet in the Solar System Len 1972
Scar-Free Mosyu Len 1989
The Hare Census Mladiyat lovetz, the young hunter 1973
The Black Swans Violeta's Father 1984
The Double Associate professor Denev / Cousin Ivan 1980
The Penleve Case 1968
Only You, My Heart Milchev 1987
10 Days Unpaid 1972
Death Can Wait 1985
Test '88 1989
The Central Warmth Workman / Gyp 1978
The Last Bachelor Tsokov 1974
On the Roofs at Night 1988
Series Cast Year
My Favorite

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