Jan 01, 1970
Place of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Yevdokiya Urusova
Movie | Cast | Year |
Jump From the Roof | 1978 | |
Courier | Agnessa Ivanova | 1986 |
Детство. Отрочество. Юность | 1973 | |
Thunder Over Rus' | 1992 | |
The Casket of Maria Medici | Charskaia | 1980 |
Grey Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood | Grandma (voice) / Бабушка Тереза (озвучка) | 1990 |
Джентльмены из конгресса | 1982 | |
Assuage My Sorrows | Varvara Nikolayevna | 1989 |
We Are Men | 1967 | |
Arbat Motif | Vera Vasilievna | 1990 |
Badgers | 1968 | |
The Unseen and Unheard-of | 1990 | |
На Гранатовых островах | 1981 | |
Maigret and the Man on the Bench | Concierge | 1973 |
The Mystery of Edwin Drood | 1980 | |
The Chain Reaction | aunt Sasha | 1962 |
Posle bala | 1962 | |
Moral pani Dulskoy | крёстная Ганки | 1978 |
The Brothers Karamazov | Марфа Осиповна | 1969 |
Returned Music | 1965 | |
The Life of Beethoven | 1978 | Series | Cast | Year |
Maigret is with the Minister | konsyerzhka (v dome Puana) | 1987 |