Apr 05, 1917
Place of Birth: Terijoki, Vyborg, Finland [now Zelenogorsk, Kurortny District, St. Petersburg, Russia]
Place of Birth: Terijoki, Vyborg, Finland [now Zelenogorsk, Kurortny District, St. Petersburg, Russia]
Georgiy Vitsin
Movie | Cast | Year |
Gentlemen of Fortune | Гаврила Петрович Шереметьев, Хмырь | 1971 |
Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures | "Трус" | 1965 |
Kidnapping, Caucasian Style | Трус | 1967 |
A Tale of Lost Times | Andrei | 1964 |
One, Two, Altogether! | The One-Eared Wolf (voice) | 1967 |
The Snowmen | (voice) | 1986 |
The Orange Neck | Podkovkin (voice) | 1954 |
Новогодний календарь | 1966 | |
12 Chairs | монтёр Мечников | 1971 |
Северная рапсодия | 1974 | |
The Boy from Napoli | Little signore (voice) | 1958 |
A Hazel Tree Twig | Kloantsa (voice) | 1955 |
The Rivals | 1985 | |
The Road to Berth | Великанкин | 1962 |
It Can't Be! | Katerina's Father | 1975 |
Bootleggers | «Трус» | 1962 |
I Don't Want to and I Won't! | (voice) | 1984 |
Сами виноваты | 1979 | |
Все непонятливые | (voice) | 1976 |
Робинзон Кузя | (voice) | 1978 |
Car, Violin and Blot the Dog | музыкант на банджо и гитаре | 1974 |
Investigation Held by Kolobkis. Theft of the century | Ice cream seller (voice) | 1983 |
Save the Drowning Man | Начальник милиции | 1968 |
A Funny Dream, or Laughter and Tears | Krivello / Jack of Spades | 1976 |
Give Me a Complaints Book | заведующий отделом | 1964 |
The Tobacco Captain | 1972 | |
Seven Old Men and One Girl | грабитель («Трус») | 1968 |
A Very Old Story | good wizard | 1968 |
Hello, Moscow! | Railwayman (uncredited) | 1945 |
Only the Statues Are Silent | 1962 | |
Cipollino | Vetch | 1973 |
The Adventures of Buratino | Giuseppe (voice) | 1959 |
Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka | 1953 | |
A Miracle Maker | Rooster (voice) | 1957 |
Голубой огонек - в первый час | Self | 1965 |
The Humpbacked Horse | Spalnik (voice) | 1975 |
Don Quixote | Sanson Carrasco | 1957 |
Dangerous for Your Life! | Chokolov | 1985 |
The Sannikov Land | Ignati, the Perfilyev's servant | 1973 |
Dog Barbos and Unusual Cross | «Трус» | 1961 |
The Marriage of Balzaminov | Balzaminov | 1964 |
The Enchanted Boy | Rozenblom (voice) | 1955 |
Man of Music | Nikolai V. Gogol | 1952 |
A Few Love Stories | Fornari | 1994 |
She Loves You | Kanareikin | 1956 |
Big Attraction | Galkin | 1974 |
Sovershenno seryozno | «Трус» (новелла «Пёс Барбос и необычный кросс») | 1961 |
Finest, the Brave Falcon | Agafon | 1975 |
Shepherd Yanka | Prince Cookimor | 1976 |
Magic Store | Wizard Store Manager (voice) | 1953 |
Little Hare | помощник режиссера Федор Михайлович | 1964 |
A Girl with Guitar | Buyer | 1958 |
A Step from the Roof | 1970 | |
Adventures of Murzilka | Starling / Janitor Uncle Egor ( uncredited ) | 1956 |
Maksim Perepelitsa | Musii, an old man | 1955 |
The First Trolleybus | The Drinker | 1963 |
Step Forward | Man | 1975 |
The Guardian | Тебеньков, алкоголик и тунеядец | 1970 |
The Boys from Leningrad | Vasya Vesnushkin | 1954 |
Бюро находок (Фильм 1) | 1982 | |
Бюро находок (Фильм 2) | 1982 | |
Бюро находок (Фильм 3) | 1983 | |
Lost And Found Office 4 | 1984 | |
One Day of Mosfilm | 1985 | |
How We Were Searching for Tishka | Stepanov, sergeant of militia | 1971 |
Absent-Minded Giovanni | The Postman (voice) | 1969 |
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi | отец Рикки-Тикки-Тави, озвучка | 1965 |
The Winter's Tale | Bullfinch (voice) | 1981 |
Thumbelina | (voice) | 1964 |
Cain the XVIII-th | Freelance Hangman | 1963 |
Spring Tale | Царь Берендей | 1971 |
Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурика | 1977 | |
Valuable Kopeck | Old five-copeck coin(voice) | 1961 |
My Destiny | пьяница с расческой | 1974 |
Царевич Проша | король Каторз Девятый | 1974 |
Film, Film, Film | (voice) | 1968 |
The Dear Boy | Mr. McIntosh | 1974 |
Василий Суриков | Репин | 1959 |
Golden Stalks | 1958 | |
Quartet 'Kva-Kva' | 1977 | |
Слонёнок | бабуин, озвучка | 1967 |
The Little Jackal and the Little Camel | The Little Jackal | 1956 |
Reporter from Overseas | 1961 | |
An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Tale | 1954 | |
I Don't Want to Be Filmed | помощник режиссёра | 1967 |
Two Stories | зайка (voice) | 1962 |
A Brave Hare | храбрый заяц (voice) | 1955 |
A Comedy of Days Gone By | Coward | 1980 |
The Twelve Months | Raven (voice) | 1956 |
The Baby-Goat, Who Counted up to Ten | Horse (voice) | 1968 |
Where have I seen him? | Mr. Pencil [Karandash] (voice) | 1965 |
Once Upon a Time | Foreign prince / Deacon (voice) | 1957 |
The Ugly Duckling | Turkeycock / Rooster / Goose / Cat (voice) | 1956 |
Train From Romashkovo | Papa (voice) | 1967 |
Go There, Don't Know Where | 1966 | |
A Little Time Machine | 1967 | |
Your Health! | 1965 | |
In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night | Vodyanoy | 1969 |
Who Invented the Wheel? | Uncle | 1966 |
Spring Chores | Pud Salazkin | 1964 |
The Hunchedback Horse | Spalnik (voice) | 1947 |
Сладкая репа | 1990 | |
Простой мужик | 1992 | |
Adventures of Brownie | Kuz'ka (voice) / Кузя, Кот | 1985 |
Short Stories | 1963 | |
Belinsky | Gogol | 1953 |
Shot in the Coffin | 1992 | |
The Blue Bird | Sugar | 1976 |
The Brave Tailor | Minister (voice) | 1964 |
The Wrestler and the Clown | Enrico, a clown | 1957 |
While the Clocks Are Ticking | Masha's grandfather / Great Gardener | 1976 |
Hands Up! | 1981 | |
Murder on Dante Street | Pitu | 1956 |
Vials | 1975 | |
At Exactly Three Fifteen ... | [Karandash,Petrushka] (voice) | 1959 |
Father Frost and the Grey Wolf | Hare-Daddy (voice) | 1978 |
The Cat's House | Billy-Goat (voice) | 1958 |
Have You Ever Loved? | 1974 | |
Ау-у! (Киноальманах) | учёный-этнограф («И подъехали к избе сваты… Или похождения писателя Сени в поисках слова затаённого») | 1976 |
I Was a Sputnik of the Sun | 1959 | |
The Whirligig of Life | 1958 | |
Mest | 1960 | |
Poet | 1957 | |
New Year's Abduction | 1970 | |
How to Become a Grown-Up | The Mushroom (voice) | 1967 |
How Ivan Ivanovich fell out with Ivan Nikiforovich | Николай Васильевич Гоголь | 1959 |
Kak rozhdayutsya tosty | 1963 | |
The Bag Of Apples | Hare (voice) / Заяц (голос) | 1974 |
What is the Theory of Relativity? | 1964 | |
Three Fat Men | (voice) | 1963 |
Deadly Enemy | Yegor | 1971 |
The Actors | Nil Palych | 1992 |
Elephant Went to Study | Кот (голос) | 1984 |
Rabbit and Fly | The Sparrow (voice) | 1977 |
Как утёнок-музыкант стал футболистом | Утёнок-хулиган | 1978 |
Wishes Come True | Nobleman / Guard (voice, uncredited) | 1957 |
How the Fox Chased the Hare | hare (voice) | 1979 |
The Key | daddy (voice) | 1961 |
The Tale of the Golden Rooster | The Sage (voice) | 1967 |
It Was I Who Drew the Little Man | кондитер / поэт, желавший славы | 1960 |
Different Wheels | The Cockerel (voice) / Петух | 1960 |
Хочу бодаться! | The Hare (voice) / Заяц | 1968 |
Road to the Sea | Aleksandr Terentyevich | 1966 |
A Peacock's Tail | Doctor Aybolit (voice) (uncredited) / Доктор Айболит | 1946 |
Maria, Mirabella | King (voice) | 1982 |
Khagi – Tragger | 1994 | |
The Little Ship | Ant (voice) | 1956 |
About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Inoculations | The Wolf, The Giraffe, The Crocodile (voice) / Волк, Жираф, Крокодил | 1966 |
A House for Kuzka | Kuzya (voice) / Кузя (все серии), один из грузчиков и гостей | 1984 |
Tale for Natasha | Kuzka (voice) / Кузя | 1986 |
Return of Brownie | Kuzya (voice) / Кузя | 1987 |
Brave guys | 1993 | |
New Attraction | 1957 | |
Cipollino | cactus (voice) | 1961 |
Ten | Doctor | 1971 |
The Mexican | Carthey | 1956 |
The Tales for Old and Young | Hare (voice) | 1967 |
Fathers and Sons | Ситников | 1959 |
Incorrigible Liar | Aleksei Ivanovich Tyutyurin | 1973 |
The End of Old Beryozovka | geometry teacher | 1961 |
The First Teacher | voice (Kartinbai) | 1965 |
Артист из Кохановки | Kuzma (as H. Vitsin) | 1962 |
The Tale of the Snow Maiden | 1957 | |
A Groom from the Right Society | Pyotr Petrovich Fikusov | 1958 |
For the Matches | Tahvo Kenonen | 1980 |
Red, Blue, Green | директор музея | 1967 |
It Also Happens | 1966 | |
Удивительная история, похожая на сказку | Narrator (voice) | 1966 |
Yesterday, Today and Always | 1970 | |
The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks | The Little Signor (voice) | 1991 |
Зеркальце | Hare | 1967 |
Sweet Spring | 1982 | |
Three Woodcutters | 1959 | |
A Sober Sparrow | 1960 | |
I Want the Moon | 1984 | |
Magician Bakhram's Heritage | 1975 | |
Tails | Hare (voice) | 1966 |
The First Autograph | 1980 | |
Зайка-зазнайка | 1976 | |
Telephone | The Crocodile (voice) | 1944 |
Greetings to Our Friends | Fanfan the Reporter (voice) | 1957 |
The Dragon | The tax collector (voice) | 1961 |
Verlioka | The drake (voice) | 1957 |
Сегодня день рождения | 1966 | |
An Honest Crocodile Word | 1967 | |
Birthday | Greedy Dwarf | 1982 |
Underground Crossing | 1984 | |
How It Happened | (voice) | 1973 |
The Life and Suffering of Ivan Semenov | Third doctor (voice) | 1969 |
Strictly Business | Sam - fraud (story «The Ransom of Redskins Chief») | 1963 |
What Kind of Bird Is This? | Goose (voice) | 1955 |
Somebody Else's Tracks | Rooster (voice, uncredited) | 1971 |
The Tale of the Old Cedar | Mushroom (voice) | 1963 |
We Are Following the Sun | Hedgehog / Owl (voice) | 1958 |
Visiting the Gnomes | Gnome (voice, uncredited) | 1975 |
Про Петрушку | Clothes owner (voice, uncredited) | 1973 |
Sportland | Hottabych (voice) | 1958 |
Beloved Beauty | Wood dust / Magpie / Little crow (voice) | 1959 |
Only Not Now | Magician Now (voice) | 1962 |
Why Did the Kitten Go Away? | Narrator (voice, uncredited) | 1957 |
The Old Man and the Crane | Crane (voice) | 1958 |
How Mushrooms Fought Against Peas | Cod (voice, uncredited) | 1977 |
How the Puppy Was Taught to Swim | Swan (voice) | 1984 |
Little Shego | Parrot (voice, uncredited) | 1956 |
A Goat-Musician | First hedgehog (voice, uncredited) | 1954 |
The End of the Black Swamp | Leshiy (voice) | 1960 |
Dog and Cat | Bear cub (voice, uncredited) | 1955 |
A Bragging Ant | Grasshopper (voice) | 1962 |
Who Is Going to the Exhibition? | Little metal man (voice) | 1964 |
On the Forest Stage | Hare (voice, uncredited) | 1954 |
The Stolen Crescent | Crescent (voice) | 1969 |
The Tale About Malchish-Kibalchish | Grandfather / English general (voice) | 1958 |
Межа | Old Man (voice) (uncredited) | 1967 |
The Crow and the Fox, the Cuckoo and the Rooster | Rooster / Sparrow (voice, uncredited) | 1953 |
The Wolf and the Seven Kids | Woodpecker (voice, uncredited) | 1957 |
Four Coins | Old man Akhmed (voice, uncredited) | 1955 |
Rooster and Paint | 1964 | |
Neznaika at School | Dr. Pilyulkin / Tyubik / Toropyzhka (voice, uncredited) | 1961 |
Beavers Are on the Trail | Teacher beaver (voice) | 1970 |
С кого брать пример | 1979 | |
A Wonder Mill | Cock (voice, uncredited) | 1951 |
The Adventures of Full Stop and Comma | Little klyaksa / Exclamation mark / Question mark (voice, uncredited) | 1965 |
Forest Story | Crane-dentist (voice, uncredited) | 1956 |
Queen Toothbrush | Soap (voice) | 1962 |
Бабья работа | Rayoshnik (voice) | 1992 |
Confusion | (voice) | 1971 |
Tall Tales in Faces | Yegor (voice) | 1973 |
Chuffyk | (voice) | 1993 |
The Snow Postman | Snowman (voice) | 1955 | Series | Cast | Year |
The Twelve Chairs | Безенчук | 1977 |
Следствие ведут Колобки | Ice Cream Man | 1983 |
KOAPP | Гепард | 1984 |
Lost And Found Office | попугай Степаныч | 1982 |
Little Brownie Kuzya | Кузя | 1984 |
Самый маленький гном | Петушок | 1977 |
Yeralash | 1974 |