Apr 22, 1931
Place of Birth: Beemster, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Place of Birth: Beemster, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Siem Vroom
Movie | Cast | Year |
Lucifer | Apollion | 1981 |
Mensch Durf Te Leven | Max Blokzijl | 1980 |
The Forbidden Bacchanal | Gerrit van Leeuwen | 1981 |
The Cool Lakes of Death | Godsdienstleraar | 1982 |
VD | Cop | 1972 |
The Mantle of Love | Sjaak | 1978 |
School for Princes | Van Huisde | 1976 |
Mysteries | Bailiff | 1978 |
The Lift | Politie Inspecteur | 1983 |
A Bridge Too Far | Underground Leader | 1977 |
Burning Love | Mr. Bonnema | 1983 |
The Five Are Marching In | Freddy de vervalser | 1974 |
Adelbert | Stem door telefoon | 1977 |
Series | Cast | Year |
Willem van Oranje | Kardinaal Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle | 1984 |
Scene of the Crime | Holländischer Luftwaffenmajor | 1970 |
Mata Hari | Bouchardon | 1981 |
De Kris Pusaka | Sanders | 1977 |