LoveLive! Superstar!! (2021)
Yuigaoka Girls High School is a newly established school that lies between the Omotesando, Harajuku, and Aoyama neighborhoods of Tokyo. The story centers on its first batch of students. With no history, no upperclassmen or alumni, and no reputation, it is a school full of unknowns. Five girls, among them Kanon Shibuya, have a fateful encounter with school idols. Kanon decides, "I love singing. I want to make something come true with song!" Many feelings converge upon a star that has only started to grow. The future is blank and full of possibility for these girls, and their story that everyone will make possible has only just begun. Soar with your wings, our Love Live!
Country: JP
Language: Ja
Runtime: 24
Season 3:
Kanon is suddenly told that her study abroad was cancelled. At school, the remaining Liella! members continue to practice, determined to make up for Kanon's absence. Meanwhile, Margarete, who has become a student at Yuigaoka, establishes a "New School Idol Club" to compete with Liella!. However, Kanon sees a reflection of her former self in Margarete, who is unable to recruit new members. Kanon is torn between returning to Liella!, who she already said goodbye to, and isn't sure what decision she should make...
Natsumi's little sister, Tomari, joins the New School Idol Club and they begin their activities as Tomakanote. Their first show is an upcoming remote concert, but their motivations concerning school idols are totally different, causing some friction.
Liella! feels motivated more than ever after seeing Tomakanote's remote concert. To show Liella!'s new potential, Chisato chooses Shiki for the next center. Shiki is unsure why she's chosen for the center and passes out during practice from the pressure.