The Adventures of the Black Stallion (1992)
After being shipwrecked on a remote desert island, courageous, young Alec Ramsay and a wild Arabian stallion named the "Black," form an irrevocable bond that continues after their rescue. Now teammates in the horse-racing circuit, they are poised to take the racing world by storm. No one else can ride the stunning fire and silk stallion but Alec; and though the Black's spirit is untamed, his speed is unmatched and he is swiftly becoming the fastest racehorse in the world.
- Jacques Méthé
- Boudjemaa Dahmane
- Steven DeNore
Country: CA
Language: En
Runtime: 30
Season 3:
Alec grows jealous when his rival asks Nicole for a date, so he takes the Black for a ride through the forest to sort out his feelings.
An injury threatens to end the Black's career, but when Nicole's father, a veterinarian, offers to treat the horse, Alec is reluctant to accept his help.
Alec falls for a beautiful but unscrupulous horse trainer.
When Alec and Nicole spend a day at the beach, Alec nearly drowns and develops hypothermia. Nicole and the Black stay with Alec and it's up to Black Tide to go for help.
The Black comes to the defense of a young mare being threatened by a wild stallion.