6.5/10 by 7 users
Red Riding (2009)
Thrilling trilogy of films based on David Peace's cult noir novels about Yorkshire during the 1970s and 80s: a world of paranoia, corruption and the terrifying legacy of the Ripper murders.
- Tony Grisoni
- David Peace
Release Date:
Thu, Mar 12, 2009
Country: GB
Language: En
Runtime: 100
Country: GB
Language: En
Runtime: 100
Season 1:

Rookie journalist Eddie Dunford is determined to find the truth in an increasingly complex maze of lies and deceit surrounding the police investigation into a series of child abductions.

The Home Office bring in senior Manchester detective Peter Hunter to conduct a secret review of the Ripper investigation to date.

When another child goes missing, washed-up solicitor John Piggott unwittingly provides a catalyst for Detective Chief Superindent Maurice Jobson to start to right some wrongs.