Australian Princess (2005)
Australian Princess is an Australian reality television show that first premiered on Network Ten on 5 October 2005. It is produced by Granada Productions, who are responsible for other programs such as Dancing with the Stars, Australia's Next Top Model and Merrick and Rosso Unplanned. It is an Australian version of American Princess. The show is also aired in the United Kingdom on ITV2, in Finland on SubTV, in Canada on W Network, in the United States on WE: Women's Entertainment, in the Middle East on MBC 4 and in Belgium on Vitaya. The contestants have been judged by Paul Burrell, Jane Luedecke and Jean Broke-Smith since its inception along with various other guest judges. The two series of the show were hosted by Jackie O.
Country: AU
Language: En
Runtime: 60
Season 2:
Twelve new ordinary girls compete for the title of Australian Princess.
Eleven girls are left to compete for the title of Australian Princess.
The remaining princesses learn the art of small talk this week.
The princesses reach out to the common man and get hounded by the press.
A change of location this week as the princesses-to-be head to England. How soon will they encounter royalty?
The girls take a tour of British royalty and consider what their portraits might look like. They also learn the sport of royals: polo.
The last four girls are put to the tea-party test. Will they retain the lessons they've learned, or will they have to skip the ball?