CatDog (1998)
The life and times of a cat and a dog with a unique twist: they're connected, literally. They share one body with a Dog's head at one end and Cat's head on the other. Adding to their dilemma is Cat's annoyance with Dog, mainly caused by Dog's stupidity and Cat's up-tight personality. Characters: Cat - Cat is the smarter one of the two brothers, and is always hatching some kind of plot to get his brother to calm down, so that Cat doesn't get beat around and hurt. Even though most of these plots involve messing with Dog's feeble mind, they often backfire on Cat, much to his dismay. It may not show all the time but, he deeply loves, and cares for his brother Dog. Dog - Dog is the more lovable of the two brothers, Dog loves to play and party and play some more, he loves baseball and playing fetch with frisbees, balls, sticks, etc, He is very friendly, and happy, but does have a breaking point. He's very sensitive, and if he fails at something he feels horrible, and worthless
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 11
Season 3:

Dog gets Cat obsessed with Monster Truck shows, and Cat becomes crazy!

Cat wants to sell bee's honey for money, but Dog just wants to eat all of it.

Randolph announces that ear infections, etc. would begin in Nearburg, and when it happens the episode turns black and white and has no sound.

A gorilla ends up on CatDog's doorstep, and Cat realises that the Gorilla would be a great addiion to their bowling team.

A rich blind fellow, Mr. Wolfington needs to hire a new seeing eye dog, so he agrees to hire Dog from CatDog. Cat is overjoyed because he finally is living in the lap of luxury as he always dreamed. CatDog overindulge and eat the finest foods, but something that they eat is just a little too rich for Dog, that he suffers a severe allergic reaction and can't see the next day when Mr. Wolfington needs him the most, to meet his friend in France.

Winterwonderland has hit Nearburg, and lots of folks want to enjoy Lake Nearburg and ice skate. The Greasers were there first playing hockey, and threaten CatDog and thier buddy's to move it or else.

Dog orders a hypnotism kit, and inside is a book and a Monkey's paw. Cat at first is skeptical until Dog successfully hypnotizes Winslow. Convinced that it works, Winslow cleverly convinces Cat that he can be invincable, like the greatest dancer or a fierce fighter, even to defeat the Greasers.

The inseparable duo concoct a tasty confection, but with an unforeseen side effect.

CatDog moves into an area where their Uncle Horseduck died, and it was in their will to let CatDog live there, but Rancid Rabbit is ther neighbor and will do anything to keep them staying.

Eddie the Squirell is tired of the Greaser Dogs "pounding" him, so he invents a huge Cat to get back at the Greasers.

CatDog tries to find a mythological treaure in the sea after tricking Lola into helping them go after it.

Winslow's Niece and Nephew come to visit and make Winslow look foolish.

After saving Mayor Rancid the year before, Cat does not want to be Dog's sidekick anymore, but later wants to.

CatDog goes to see Mean Bob's Theater play, but Dog thinks it's so real that he starts a fight on stage, this causes Mean Bob (well, the actor that plays Mean Bob) to lose his memory. Dog brings Mean Bob to his house, in order to restore his memory, but since Dog believes that he's the real Bob.

Ever wondered what goes on inside Winslow's house and how he's able to pop out of doorways in so many different locations? Well, so has Cat, and his curiosity finally gets the better of him. He trespasses inside Winslow's hole-in-the-wall.

Cat suffers an identity crisis when a gang of beatnik alley-cats set up shop near the CatDog house. Seduced by their bongo music, he trades in his normal, prissy, finicky self to become the cool, hep "Scat Cat". His new alter-ego is much more laid back than the old Cat. In fact, he's so cool with everything he does that he refuses to clean the house, or even pay the bills. It's up to Dog to get the old Cat back that he once knew.

This is a salty old fisherman's tale about the Swordfish on CatDog's living-room wall. The teller of the tale is Cat, who's embellishing the story in order to impress TV star Tallulah. But Dog can't resist getting in on the act, and spins a wild yarn that Tallulah finds more interesting than Cat's. Cat, frustrated and outdone, finally reveals that the fish was actually purchased at a yard sale.

Pete The Polecat sings about a garbage truck and how Dog trys to save it.

Dog finds out meat comes from animals, and his friends are animals!