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2DTV (2001)
2DTV is a British satirical animated television show that was broadcast on ITV in the United Kingdom from March 2001 to December 2004. Lasting a total of five series and thirty-three episodes, 2DTV became the successor of popular 80's TV series Spitting Image, and the predecessor of 2008 ITV satirical animation Headcases.
Release Date:
Sun, Oct 14, 2001
Country: GB
Language: En
Runtime: 25
Country: GB
Language: En
Runtime: 25
Season 5:
Tony Blair has a firework display, The X Factor Judges chooses the best mobile phone. Wayne Rooney visits the Slappersaurus, George Bush celebrates '4 more wars' and Peter Andre and Jordan take a walk in a park while Bin Laden launches his Cave Workout video.
George Bush and Tony Blair record 'Kill the world' Theirs the premiere of Bridget Jones 2. Chuck and Donkey go and find a potion to make Chuck king and Gordan Ramsay helps out a lion thats eating its zebra.
The Rooneys then I'm a Celebrity Get me out of Here, an F1 race , Rat Hunters and What not to wear in the Garden of Eden.
In an American Santas Grotto, George Bush arrests Santa for being Bin Laden even though Bin Ladens one of the elfs. The I'm a Celebrity guests fly home refusing to eat the in-flight meals. At Number 1, Tony Blair deals with David Blunketts 'Shag Me' Sign on his back.