New Kids on the Block (1990)
New Kids on the Block is an animated television series featuring the adventures of the New Kids on the Block. The series lasted a season from 1990–1991 on ABC. The following year, The Disney Channel showed the series in reruns. Though the group appeared in live action clips, the voices of the New Kids were done by other voice actors, due to licensing reasons. "You Got It" was the opening theme, while an instrumental version of "Step by Step" was the closing theme.
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 30
Season 1:
During a long bus ride, the New Kids have strange fantasies along the way. Here's what they parodied... Donnie-Robin Hood (Jonathan-King) Jordan-Zorro Joe-Star Wars Danny-Incredible Hulk
Joe produces a video to the rest of the New Kids as they worry about what he might do.
After a New York concert, Donnie finds a homeless kid who wants him to come to his mother's shelter home. The New Kids spreads Christmas joy to those less fortunate, while Biscuit is trying to find the missing group so they could get home to Boston.