The Joy of Sets (2011)
The Joy of Sets was an Australian comedy television series looking at the elements used to construct television shows. The show was originally broadcast weekly by the Nine Network, premiering on 20 September 2011. The show was written and hosted by comedians Tony Martin and Ed Kavalee, and produced by Zapruder's other films, the production company owned by Andrew Denton. Martin and Kavalee previously worked together in 2006 and 2007 hosting the popular Australian radio program Get This.
- Andrew Denton
Country: AU
Language: En
Runtime: 22
Season 1:
In the premiere episode, Tony and Ed start their tutorials at the very beginning – opening titles or, as it’s known in the trade, “selling the meat”. What’s the best way to hook an audience – sex, freaky weirdness or cheesy headshots? Joining the boys to help explain are Peter Phelps, veteran of title sequences from Sons and Daughters, Baywatch and Rescue Special Ops, and for some unknown reason Warwick Capper.