Neon Lights (2024)
In 2053, amidst a devastating pandemic, an old gravedigger from Elementar Corporation insists on burying his wife with just a shovel, rejecting the corporation's new burial technology, the "Cube Of Miracles." Conflict arises when a young gravedigger armed with the "Cube of Miracles" challenges the old gravedigger's traditional methods at the cemetery. The film explores the clash between tradition and innovation, delving into broader themes of man versus machine in a society grappling with AI and automation.
- Vinicius Bellemo
- Bablu Andrea Costantini
- Susanna Paravisi
- Michele Tonetti
- Vinicius Bellemo
- Michele Tonetti
Rating: 0/10 by 0 users
Alternative Title:
Runtime: 00 hour 20 minutes
Budget: $0
Revenue: $0
Plot Keyword: short film, neon lights
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