Trust Me (2024)
Animated short documentary following a young woman's diagnosis of bipolar: a journey of self-acceptance to challenge everyday stigma. In "Trust Me", a genre-bending short documentary, a young woman uses humour and compassion to share her moving and deeply personal story of coming to terms with her mental health condition. When she starts exhibiting atypical and extreme behaviour, her loved ones trick her into hospitalisation against her will. She is diagnosed with bipolar disorder which starts her challenging journey of self-acceptance, confronting internalised and societal stigma, and learning to trust herself and others again.
- Melanie Cura Daball
- Melanie Cura Daball
- Anne Chataigné
Rating: 10/10 by 1 users
Alternative Title:
United Kingdom
Runtime: 00 hour 19 minutes
Budget: $0
Revenue: $0
Plot Keyword: female friendship, mental health, healing process, bipolar, inspiring, bipolar disorder, betrayal of trust, short film
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