In a world driven by perfection, a robot designed for flawless precision follows a life of strict routine and mathematical order. One day, a small disruption breaks his rhythm, sparking an unexpected curiosity about imperfection. As he ventures off his programmed path, he begins to fall in love with errors for their unpredictability, each mistake drawing him deeper into a journey of self-discovery and revealing the beauty of flaws, and the raw essence of human nature.
- Salma Parra
- Salma Parra
- Salma Parra
- Salma Parra
Rating: 0/10 by 0 users
Alternative Title:
나는 글리치 중이다 - KR
Я глючу - RU
我出故障了 - CN
バグってる - JP
Runtime: 00 hour 07 minutes
Budget: $0
Revenue: $0
Plot Keyword: robot, perfectionist, humanity, imperfection, heart touching
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