Shenmue II: The Movie (2016)
In 1987, teenage martial artist Ryo Hazuki arrives in Wan Chai, Hong Kong from Japan on the trail of his father's killer, Lan Di, of the criminal Chi You Men organization. He searches for Master Lishao Tao, the only link to the whereabouts of Yuanda Zhu, a martial arts expert who sent Ryo's father a letter warning him of Lan Di's intentions. When Ryo finds Tao, whose real name is Xiuying Hong, she refuses to help, considering his quest for vengeance reckless. The two part ways, but Xiuying continues to monitor Ryo's progress.
Rating: 0/10 by 0 users
Alternative Title:
United States of America
Runtime: 07 hour 59 minutes
Budget: $0
Revenue: $0
Plot Keyword: martial arts, video game, revenge, based on video game, machinima, fan film
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