REM (2019)
"REM" is an Afrikaans Sci-Fi Drama about a grief-stricken father, Dehan, who becomes obsessed with the memory of his late wife, Lena, through the use of a high-tech, dream-altering device, the REM. This unhealthy obsession leads to Dehan struggling to reconnect with his young son, Erich, who survived the car accident that caused Lena's death. Dehan must decide to face and to confront his grief, reconnecting with his son, or to become so immersed in his fantasy dream-world that he loses touch with reality, and Erich, altogether.
- Cara Leane Spence
- Maryke le Roux
- Valerie Britz
- Cara Leane Spence
Rating: 7.333/10 by 3 users
Alternative Title:
South Africa
Runtime: 00 hour 12 minutes
Budget: $1,500
Revenue: $0
Plot Keyword: dream, parent child relationship, technology, obsession, only child, grief, afrikaans, memory, parenthood, parent, guilt, high tech, painful memories, death of parent, dead parent, grieving, alternative reality, dream world, woman director, suffering parent, recurring dream, real life, grieving parents, connection, child, science and technology, dream realm, dreamworld, neural science, memories, new technology, obsessive thoughts, short film
"Touching, well composed and thoughtful, REM is a finely calibrated production that moves with poise and subtlety." - Stephen ‘Spling’ Aspeling