Valis III (1990)
After Yuko has defeated the evil Rogles, peace descended upon Earth and the magical world of Vecanti. But a new threat has arisen: an enigmatic man named Glames from the Dark World, possessor of a sword named Leethus, is planning to conquer both Earth and Vecanti, convinced that there is no other way to save his world from imminent destruction. A young girl from the Dark World named Cham escapes from Glames, and asks Yuko to help her stop him with the aid of her Valis sword.
- Yukito Ohayashi
- Bunzou Matsui
Rating: 0/10 by 0 users
Alternative Title:
ヴァリス3-これはゲームか!アニメか!- - JP
夢幻戦士ヴァリスⅢ - JP
Runtime: 00 hour 53 minutes
Budget: $0
Revenue: $0
Plot Keyword: video game, based on video game
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