
poster of Las Buchonas
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Los narcos de Tierra Blanca "The narcos of Tierra Blanca"

Aurora is released, but she does not say a word about the drug traffickers of Tierra Blanca. Baltazar puts a price on Teresa's head for the death of his roosters, but neither she nor Débora fears him, they want to face him.

Release Date: Fri, Nov 30, 2018

Language: Es
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Season 1:

Ellas son las Buchonas
Episode 1: Ellas son las Buchonas "They are the girlfriends of the gangsters" (Nov 30, 2018)
In a town run by drug trafficking and money, Aurora, Yuliana, Manuela and Tabatha, seek a better life. Everyone knows them as the Buchonas.
No te cases
Episode 2: No te cases "Do not get married" (Nov 30, 2018)
Rafael is accused drug trafficking and refuses to receive help from his daughter because he does not approve of her wanting to marry a narco.
Episode 3: Sentenciado "Sentenced" (Nov 30, 2018)
Rafael is sentenced. Manuela discovers that she is not with the best man in the world.
El honor de mi padre
Episode 4: El honor de mi padre "My father's honor" (Nov 30, 2018)
Ramón kills Rafael in front of his entire family. Aurora swears to clean the honor of her father. Baltazar evicts Yuliana from the estate, who takes refuge in Vicente's house.
Mi maestro
Episode 5: Mi maestro "My teacher" (Nov 30, 2018)
Aurora kills her father's murderer and decides to get involved in the drug business. Leónidas is her teacher. Manuela meets Tarsicio, a drug dealer who offers help.
Dónde está Aurora
Episode 6: Dónde está Aurora "Where is Aurora" (Nov 30, 2018)
The big narcos of the region begin to look for Aurora, so she has to hide and protect her family.
El camino de la venganza
Episode 7: El camino de la venganza "The path of revenge" (Nov 30, 2018)
Leónidas is mortally wounded. Vicente manages to return Teresa home, by deceiving her.
La carrera
Episode 8: La carrera "The race" (Nov 30, 2018)
Aurora needs to get the amount of money that Vicente asks, and thus prevent her mother from being murdered. Gabino mistreats Manuela and her mother.
La voy a salvar
Episode 9: La voy a salvar "I'm going to save her" (Nov 30, 2018)
Aurora does everything possible to save her mother's life and, in the middle of getting the money, she sees El Trueno kissing another woman.
Luciano y Teresa
Episode 10: Luciano y Teresa "Luciano and Teresa" (Nov 30, 2018)
Yuliana seizes Baltazar’s estate. Vicente allows Luciano's relationship with Teresa. Aurora is still looking for how to pay the money to save her mother.
Los narcos no tienen palabra
Episode 11: Los narcos no tienen palabra "The narcos have no word" (Dec 09, 2018)
Aurora realizes that the narcos have no word. By saving her mother she loses everything she had, her family stays on the street.
El error de Magnolia
Episode 12: El error de Magnolia "Magnolia's mistake" (Dec 09, 2018)
The efforts of Tabatha and Magnolia to avoid the union of Manuela Tarcisio are frustrated by Magnolia's mistake. Aurora desperately seeks a place to take her family.
Otro más
Episode 13: Otro más "Another one" (Dec 09, 2018)
Mariano offers a house to Aurora so she can take her family to live. There is another dead policeman and more problems for the León family. Yuliana wants to know the details of Baltazar's business.
La traición
Episode 14: La traición "The betrayal" (Dec 09, 2018)
Aurora's confidence is defrauded again, El Trueno betrays her again. Vicente and Débora made an agreement, but he is unable to fulfill it.
Vicente se va
Episode 15: Vicente se va "Vicente leaves" (Dec 18, 2018)
Candelario's life hangs by a thread after a confrontation with the police. Vicente, before the supplications of his daughter, decides to leave the house. Yuliana lives a good life in Los Angeles.
Falsas alianzas
Episode 16: Falsas alianzas "False alliances" (Dec 18, 2018)
False alliances are formed. Aurora believes that with money she will be able to keep Commander Gregorio calm, without knowing that she will fall into a trap. Vicente wants to damage Luciano's reputation in front of Teresa.
Graves consecuencias
Episode 17: Graves consecuencias "Serious consequences" (Dec 18, 2018)
Aurora puts her family in danger again, but this time with a little more serious consequences, her mother Chole is wounded. El Trueno wants to prove that he is not the father of the baby that Jasmine is expecting.
La punta de iceberg
Episode 18: La punta de iceberg "Tip of iceberg" (Dec 18, 2018)
Vicente helps Luciano. Aurora learns that Salvador was behind the death of his father and ends the life of Commander Gregorio.
A flor de piel
Episode 19: A flor de piel "To flower of skin" (Dec 23, 2018)
Aurora returns with El Trueno, Baltazar is with Débora, Luciano with Teresa and Gallo with Manuela, but these relationships are just a temporary stability.
Cuídate Salvador
Episode 20: Cuídate Salvador "Take care Salvador" (Dec 23, 2018)
Aurora studies the identity of Salvador, who is one of those involved in the death of her father. She will look for him to start her revenge, even if Chole is opposed.
Chispas de amor
Episode 21: Chispas de amor "Sparks of love" (Dec 23, 2018)
Aurora faces Salvador, but he denies being involved in Rafael's death. She captures several of his men. Between Gabriela and Celestino sprout sparks of love.
La trampa
Episode 22: La trampa "The trap" (Dec 23, 2018)
Aurora now knows that Vicente was the one who set the trap for Rafael, but before she does something, Vicente sends the police to look for her.
Aurora en la cárcel
Episode 23: Aurora en la cárcel "Aurora in jail" (Dec 30, 2018)
Aurora is in jail for the first time, but El Trueno and the other men are looking for ways to get her out. Gabriela meets Vicente.
Caer en sus redes
Episode 24: Caer en sus redes "To fall into their nets" (Dec 30, 2018)
Aurora is mistreated and struggles to get out of jail, while her sister Gabriela falls dangerously into Vicente's webs. Baltazar wants Débora and Yuliana to coexist. El Gallo rapes Manuela.
Plan de rescate
Episode 25: Plan de rescate "Rescue plan" (Dec 30, 2018)
While the plan to free Aurora flows according to plan, Gabriela falls into the hands of Vicente. Débora hires an accountant to make an appraisal of Vicente's properties and know how much she could receive.
La casa del Gallo
Episode 26: La casa del Gallo "The house of el Gallo" (Dec 30, 2018)
Amid all the problems that Aurora has, Gabriela is getting closer to Vicente. Manuela returns to El Gallo's house and sees him packing drugs, she is interested in the business.
Fuera de peligro
Episode 27: Fuera de peligro "Out of danger" (Jan 06, 2019)
Vicente is hurt by Aurora and, although in the hospital they save his life, he is not completely out of danger. Débora looks for him to finish him off. Aurora and Gabriela confront each other for Vicente.
El camino fácil
Episode 28: El camino fácil "The easy path" (Jan 06, 2019)
Aurora and her family need to be united to face Vicente. Manuela takes the easiest way to earn money, without knowing what will happen to her life.
El contraataque
Episode 29: El contraataque "The counter attack" (Jan 06, 2019)
Aurora loses two of her best men and her defense is vulnerable. Vicente plans the counterattack towards Débora. Manuela manages to pass the drug that she was taking to Los Angeles, without major setbacks.
Candelario y Celestino
Episode 30: Candelario y Celestino "Candelario and Celestino" (Jan 06, 2019)
At the cemetery, Aurora decides to leave Candelario and Celestino free. Aurora feels that she must protect her family, so she must keep them united, but deceived. Gabriela is increasingly on Vicente's side.
El ultimátum
Episode 31: El ultimátum "The ultimatum" (Jan 13, 2019)
Mariano gives an ultimatum to Vicente, Baltazar and the commander Edwin: they fix their problems or they die. Tabatha tells Manuela that Yuliana is pregnant and that Baltazar does not treat her well.
Episode 32: Hijos "Children" (Jan 13, 2019)
Aurora trusts Vicente's words, not knowing that his true goal is to betray her. Baltazar learns that both Debora and Yuliana are pregnant with his children and does not know what to do.
El concierto de Raúl
Episode 33: El concierto de Raúl "Raúl's concert" (Jan 13, 2019)
Raúl's concert, where El Trueno was also invited, is interrupted by gun shots. Aurora looks for the person responsible for the attack at the concert and Luciano has information that can help them.
Ataque en el palenque
Episode 34: Ataque en el palenque "Attack on the fence" (Jan 13, 2019)
Aurora catches the Gallo, but wants to clarify what happened and know who ordered the attack in the concert. Caridad's life is changing, love seems to be born between her and Pancracio.
El interrogatorio
Episode 35: El interrogatorio "The interrogation" (Jan 20, 2019)
Manuela has decided to give El Gallo to Aurora, under the promise not to kill him. After the interrogation, El Gallo reveals Salvador's location. Aurora and El Trueno's marriage is prepared, before starting the war against Vicente.
La boda
Episode 36: La boda "The wedding" (Jan 20, 2019)
Finally, Aurora and El Trueno get married, with problems, because Gabriela does not appear at the wedding and Candelario tries to prevent the wedding.
Buscando a Magnolia
Episode 37: Buscando a Magnolia "Looking for Magnolia" (Jan 20, 2019)
Aurora rises up after being hurt by Vicente, while Gabriela realizes who he really is. Manuela goes in search of Magnolia to clarify what happened to her father.
Entre la vida y la muerte
Episode 38: Entre la vida y la muerte "Between life and death" (Jan 20, 2019)
After struggling between life and death, Aurora, with the help of blood donated by Candelario, manages to recover. Vicente looks for her with desperation to finish her off.
Un nuevo negocio de Aurora
Episode 39: Un nuevo negocio de Aurora "A new Aurora business" (Jan 27, 2019)
Pancracio is murdered and his family wants revenge. Aurora gains more followers in her war against Vicente. Aurora's new business begins, now she will grow cocaine.
El jefe de jefes
Episode 40: El jefe de jefes "The boss of bosses" (Jan 27, 2019)
Manuela tries to pass drugs to the United States. Vicente is in big trouble with Mariano.
Débora es descubierta
Episode 41: Débora es descubierta "Deborah is discovered" (Jan 27, 2019)
Aurora starts off badly on her way as a drug carrier, the authorities discover her. Débora's trick to make Baltazar believe that she expects his son loses its effect when they capture the real father.
A buen precio
Episode 42: A buen precio "At a good price" (Jan 27, 2019)
Aurora and her men manage to reach the buyer of their merchandise in the United States and sell it at a good price. Yuliana and Tabatha promote their new spa, while Manuela is in trouble.
Grave peligro
Episode 43: Grave peligro "Grave danger" (Feb 03, 2019)
Aurora and her men accomplish their mission, they are back after the successful sale of the drug. The lives of Aurora and Vicente are in grave danger because of Salvador's betrayal and Baltazar's opportunism.
La inauguración del spa
Episode 44: La inauguración del spa "The inauguration of the spa" (Feb 03, 2019)
Both Aurora and Vicente manage to escape the siege of Baltazar and the ministerials that were sent by Mariano to assassinate them. Tabatha and Yuliana live differently after the inauguration of their spa, an example of honesty in Tierra Blanca.
La alianza
Episode 45: La alianza "The alliance" (Feb 03, 2019)
A momentary alliance is formed between Aurora and Vicente to get rid of Baltazar. Tabatha undergoes one of the worst moments of her life when she is tortured by Commander Edwin, to get information from where Aurora is located.
Toda la verdad
Episode 46: Toda la verdad "The whole truth" (Feb 03, 2019)
Vicente tells Aurora how her father was deceived and takes the opportunity to reveal that he is in love with Gabriela. Despite the torture, Tabatha remains firm in her silence.
La imagen de Vicente
Episode 47: La imagen de Vicente "Vicente's image" (Feb 10, 2019)
Aurora, desperate not to find Tabatha, asks Vicente for help. Mariano gives the order to Baltazar and Commander Edwin to damage the image of Vicente and eliminate Aurora in passing.
Me voy a entregar
Episode 48: Me voy a entregar "I'm going to give my self up" (Feb 10, 2019)
Vicente shows sensitivity: he says goodbye to everyone, because he intends to give himself to Baltazar in exchange for the release of Tabatha. Salvador threatens Manuela, Magnolia and Yuliana that he will take the two spas as part of the payment of the debt.
El intercambio
Episode 49: El intercambio "The exchange" (Feb 10, 2019)
Vicente's delivery is not easy, but in the end the exchange happens. Tabatha is free, but as soon as she is safe, Caridad starts the shooting in an attempt to eliminate Baltazar, so Vicente's life is in danger.
La intervención
Episode 50: La intervención "The intervention" (Feb 10, 2019)
Teresa asks Débora to intervene so that Baltazar does not kill Vicente, but she does not help him; on the contrary, she infuriates when she finds out that Vicente is in love with Gabriela.
Por amor a su hermana
Episode 51: Por amor a su hermana "For love of her sister" (Feb 17, 2019)
Vicente's life is in danger: Baltazar, Mariano and Débora want him dead. For the only person that Vincente's life has value is for Gabriela, who asks Aurora to help him. So, out of love for her sister, he agrees to help him.
Episode 52: Malheridos "Severely wounded" (Feb 17, 2019)
Aurora and her men manage to rescue Vicente, but before leaving, Baltazar manages to shoot him. Vicente is badly hurt. In the middle of the shooting, Yuliana is also injured.
La orden
Episode 53: La orden "the order" (Feb 17, 2019)
Teresa and Luciano take Vicente urgently to the hospital. Vicente asks that Gabriela be notified.
La nueva patrona
Episode 54: La nueva patrona "The new boss lady" (Feb 17, 2019)
Vicente is veiled in the presence of friends and family. But the moment becomes dangerous when Débora, who thinks she is the new leader, sees Gabriela arrive and points her gun at her. Aurora is in defense of her sister.
El último adiós
Episode 55: El último adiós "The last good-bye" (Feb 24, 2019)
Everyone says goodbye to Vicente for the last time in the cemetery. Baltazar and his accomplices plan on how to get rid of Aurora. To Susana's surprise, Baltazar waits at her house with several flower arrangements.
Las ganancias
Episode 56: Las ganancias "The earnings" (Feb 24, 2019)
Gabriela is very affected by Vicente's death and rejects the approaches of Celestino. Aurora asks to gather the peasants to give them their share of the profits.
Candidato a la alcaldía
Episode 57: Candidato a la alcaldía "Mayoral candidate" (Feb 24, 2019)
Aurora and her men must help the peasants to till the fields to finish paying their debts. Mariano demands Baltazar to run for mayor.
El formulario
Episode 58: El formulario "The form" (Feb 24, 2019)
Baltazar is running for mayor of Tierra Blanca, but upon arrival, he does not know how to fill out the form. Aurora has to send Chole and Gabriela to Guadalajara with Sergio, who is upset to see what his sister became.
Los bienes de Vicente
Episode 59: Los bienes de Vicente "Vicente's assets" (Mar 03, 2019)
Baltazar hires Susana to help him with his image in the campaign to be elected mayor. Tabatha is invited by Raúl to his concert and all the girls come together. Débora, as owner and mistress, wants to take possession of the property that belonged to Vicente.
Con dedicatoria especial
Episode 60: Con dedicatoria especial "With special dedication" (Mar 03, 2019)
Aurora and the girls go to Raúl's concert, where Yuliana goes up to sing, dedicating a song of spite to Baltazar. But he does not like to be discovered and threatens her with his weapon.
La quiero muerta
Episode 61: La quiero muerta "I want her dead" (Mar 03, 2019)
In the concert the tension continues. Tabatha sings and then Raúl goes on stage, and makes Salvador look very badly in front of the audience and challenges El Toro to come up as well. Baltazar tells his men that Aurora can not leave the concert alive.
El enfrentamiento
Episode 62: El enfrentamiento "The confrontation" (Mar 03, 2019)
Raúl leaves triumphant from the singing confrontation against El Toro. Although Aurora tries to protect her friends, Manuela is kidnapped by Salvador after the concert.
Préstame dinero
Episode 63: Préstame dinero "Lend me money" (Mar 10, 2019)
Salvador, El Farras and El Escorpión take El Toro to a desolate field, there they force Manuela to commit an atrocity. Débora loses her baby. Candelario borrows money to go with the psychologist.
Episode 64: Interesada "gold digger woman" (Mar 10, 2019)
Aurora starts a race to finish with Baltazar. Celestino, trying to forget about Gabriela, takes a woman to his ranch, but she is a gold-digger and looks for ways to get money.
El discurso
Episode 65: El discurso "The speech" (Mar 10, 2019)
Aurora manages to exchange drugs and money with El Duende, but Mariana sees them and unleashes a shootout. Baltazar finds his speech, although he ends up saying what people want to hear. Magnolia confesses something very important to Mariano.
El secuestro
Episode 66: El secuestro "The kidnapping" (Mar 10, 2019)
Aurora is worried because she does not find El Trueno, who was kidnapped by Baltazar to give a private concert at his home. Manuela gets more drugs to transport, but Magnolia reproaches her for what she is doing.
La llamada
Episode 67: La llamada "The call" (Mar 17, 2019)
Trueno sings along with his people, but before leaving, Baltazar demands that he call Aurora to come to his ranch so he can trap her. But Trueno refuses and Baltazar demands for him to be killed.
Episode 68: Desesperado "Desperate" (Mar 17, 2019)
Candelario goes in search of Trueno, but they catch him and, to escape from the warehouse where Salvador tortures them, the only way out is for Candelario to commit a madness.
Las pérdidas
Episode 69: Las pérdidas "The losses" (Mar 17, 2019)
Aurora has just lost her best and most faithful man, while Celestino, her soul brother. Commander Edwin kills Candelario. Luciano and Prometeo cover Aurora, then she rescues El Trueno.
La escapatoria
Episode 70: La escapatoria "The escape" (Mar 17, 2019)
Aurora, worried about El Trueno's wound, shoots to protect him. Salvador and El Tucano, seeing that they outnumber them, leave El Escorpión and two policemen more distracting Aurora, while they escape.
La victoria
Episode 71: La victoria "The victory" (Mar 24, 2019)
Aurora feels lost because everyone blames her for the death of Candelario and El Trueno. The pain is very big. Baltazar celebrates his victory against Aurora and Mariano, but asks for one more head, that of Salvador.
Debate político
Episode 72: Debate político "Political debate" (Mar 24, 2019)
Baltazar is the winner of the political debate against Romero, the rival candidate for mayor. Chole tells Aurora her story with Mariano. Celestino trades Paula for the car of a friend.
Destrozos en la hacienda
Episode 73: Destrozos en la hacienda "Destructions on the estate" (Mar 24, 2019)
Débora, Teresa and Luciano destroy Baltazar's estate, Teresa kills his roosters.
La tortura
Episode 74: La tortura "The torture" (Mar 24, 2019)
Tabatha and Yuliana leave Baltazar furious, after attacking him in the restaurant. Aurora is tortured by Colonel Severo and Greck to obtain information from the drug traffickers of Tierra Blanca, but Aurora does not say anything.
Los narcos de Tierra Blanca
Episode 75: Los narcos de Tierra Blanca "The narcos of Tierra Blanca" (Mar 31, 2019)
Aurora is released, but she does not say a word about the drug traffickers of Tierra Blanca. Baltazar puts a price on Teresa's head for the death of his roosters, but neither she nor Débora fears him, they want to face him.
Su destino
Episode 76: Su destino "His fate" (Mar 31, 2019)
Baltazar is besieged by Severo and Greck. Major Edwin, before being captured, fatally wounds Caridad. Then, Aurora and Celestino take him to Candelario's mother to decide his fate.
La venganza de Celestino
Episode 77: La venganza de Celestino "Celestino's revenge" (Mar 31, 2019)
Celestino takes revenge on Major Edwin, he kills him in a cruel way. Aurora continues to lose the people she loves. Caridad dies and Manuela is shot, she is torn between life and death.
La revelación
Episode 78: La revelación "The revelation" (Mar 31, 2019)
Before dying, Salvador reveals to Aurora that it was Leonidas who ordered the killing of Don Rafael, Aurora is stunned. Teresa learns that Débora tried to kill Vicente and vents her anger on Salvador.
El velorio
Episode 79: El velorio "The wake" (Apr 07, 2019)
Tabatha and Yuliana take Manuela's body to be arranged for the wake. Aurora takes prisoner Colonel Cienfuegos in her plan to go against Baltazar, who in turn celebrates in advance his victory in the elections.
Baltazar, capturado
Episode 80: Baltazar, capturado "Baltazar, captured" (Apr 07, 2019)
Aurora and her group manage to set a trap and capture Baltazar. When they are questioning him about Rafael's death, Colonel Cienfuegos calls Aurora to give her a deadline to kill Marino or he will end her.
La Buchona más poderosa
Episode 81: La Buchona más poderosa "The most powerful Ganster girlfriend" (Apr 07, 2019)
Yuliana and Baltazar go to jail. Débora is disabled and lives with Teresa and Luciano. Aurora disappears, but remains alive, while Chole looks for her and Gabriela lives her love with Celestino. Tabatha is now the most powerful Buchona of Tierra Blanca.

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