Chhaliya (2018)
Chhaliya web series story revolves around a girl named Dhanya (Dhanya Balakrishnan). She is the light-hearted and fun-loving girl who loves to goes Party. Dhanya is living with her lover Rishi (Anirudh Tothapalli). One Day, she was shocked about her bad situation after-party night and didn’t understand what will happen after this lousy situation. But what was this critical situation? After Party, she wakeups and she finds herself to be pregnant, but she doesn’t know anything about this. From this, She and her boyfriend tri to memorizing everything from the day of the Party, due to it’s happened. In this situation, she gets contacted by a crazy stalker who seems to have certain clues regarding her pregnancy. Who is responsible for this situation? Will her boyfriend be able to save Dhanya?
- Pavan Sadineni
Country: IN
Language: Hi
Season 1:
Dhanya has a fun night at the party but is in for a peculiar shock the morning after.
As Dhanya and her boyfriend chalk out their future plans, her worst fear comes true.
Dhanya's only option is to try to remember something - anything - from her one and only night at the pub.
Dhanya and her boyfriend use every trick in the bag to track suspects from the night at the pub.
Dhanya run into a crazy stalker who takes her into a maze of clues. But does he lead her to an answer?
Dhanya and Rishi hit a massive roadblock in their investigations. Time is slipping and it looks like Dhanya will never find the answers.
Dhanya finds herself at crossroads - should she trust her own instincts, or continue to chase dead ends?
Dhanya finds out who is responsible for her state - and why. She is pregnant. but as a result of someone's traumatic childhood. How does it all add up?
Dhanya's boyfriend has very little time to locate and see her. Will it be too late?
Rishi has managed to save Dhanya from the viciousness of PillA. But for how long?