Bands Reunited (2004)
Bands Reunited is a television program produced by VH1 in 2004. Hosted by Aamer Haleem, the show documented an attempted reunion of a formerly popular musical ensemble for a special concert in either London or Los Angeles. A show normally consisted of the crew first hunting down the ex-members of the band one-by-one, and convincing them to agree for the one-time concert; the members were "contracted" by signing a record album by their former band. The band members were then interviewed, usually focusing on the reasons of the breakup. The final segment would consist of the formal reunion of the band in the rehearsing studio, and a joint interview about why the group parted ways. If the reunion was successful, the episode ended with the final performance. In 2005, VH1 attempted to reunite the British band The Smiths, but the show abandoned its attempt after Aamer Haleem was unsuccessful in his attempt to corner lead singer Morrissey before a show.
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 44
Season 3:
With little effort, Aamer was able to reunite Scandal. Most of the band members expressed an interest due to respect to their late bassist, Ivan Elias.
Despite a law suit from the 1990's that they are still not comfortable discussing, the ladies rocked the house! There is also some discrepancy regarding the making of the 3rd album, Tangerine.
Although Aamer got all four members to ""sign on,' lead singer Kurt Valaquen cancelled at the last minute. Aamer was able to track down the elusive keyboardist Amanda Kramer and allow her to open up about her personal issues.
A thorough look at Band Reunited's best moments - both seen and unseen! We get a look at just how difficult and tiring the process can be, but our fearless leader Aamer keeps going! We also learn the proper pronunciation of his name. We learn of the groups that Aamer tried to reunite, but there was not enough footage for an entire episode.