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The Last Steep Ascent (2012)
The Last Steep Ascent is a Hong Kong television drama produced by TVB under executive producer Lee Tim-shing.
- Lee Tim-Sing
Release Date:
Mon, Sep 17, 2012
Country: HK
Language: Cn
Runtime: 45
Country: HK
Language: Cn
Runtime: 45
Season 1:

Leading a secluded life on a remote mountain with his wife KOO SUN-YUET, MIU TIN has taken fifty years to hand carve a few-thousand-step stair-path. Named by their children as the "Flight of Love", it is for his wife's convenience to travel up and down the mountain. Flashback: As a medicinal plant farmer in Two Oxen village, Canton, MIU TIN grew up with CHENG KIU, KWAN KWONG-TAT and LIU SAM-KAN, sharing a fraternity relationship with each other. Ever since his childhood, MIU TIN had already followed his father GRANDPA MIU to gather medicinal herbs on the mountains, getting very familiar with the nature of the species. So in 1934, MIU TIN and the villagers have coordinated their efforts, cultivating valuable medicinal herbs. All of the sudden, the village chief, bringing along his only daughter LAI HO, proposes marriage to MIU TIN.… ...

MEI-KUEN asks SUN-YUET to take over the position of matriarch, but is turned down due to her focus on raising the children. Experiencing physical discomfort, MEI KUEN suspects that she is near death. In order to take shelter from the rain, MIU TIN and the others move the medicinal herbs into an abandoned temple. Later he heads to town with CHENG KIU, KWONG-TAT and SAM-KAN, seeking potential buyers, while the others stay to safeguard the goods. Returning from Foshan, HO SAI-CHEUNG, the eldest son of MEI-KUEN, immediately goes to Ho Ching Tong Pharmacy, which he owns. Meanwhile, MIU TIN and others attempt to sell their medicinal herbs to Ho Ching Tong Pharmacy, but to no avail since KWONG-TAT discovers the rip-off of the Pharmacy manager, HO KWAN-YIU. Upon his return to home, SAI-CHEUNG seems to be absent-minded while SUN-YUET relays some household errands to him.… ...

Having taken CHENG KIU under custody for attacking SAI-HO, the captain of the Police Bureau not only demands bail but also requests a surety before releasing him. SAI-CHEUNG mentions what happened in the Ho Ching Tong Pharmacy to his younger brother SAI-LEUNG. While stating that KWAN-YIU has gone too far, he also reveals the reason why he is the thorn in KWAN-YIU's eyes. Running away from home, SZE-HANG accidentally trips and breaks his legs, fortunately, he is then carried home by MIU TIN. Having helped an old man YEUNG GOR set up his peanut stall, MIU TIN makes him as their surety afterwards. In view of SAI-HO’s deteriorated injuries, CHENG KIU is again taken under the police custody. With the discovery of BOSS CHU handing over the rake-off to KWAN-YIU, MIU TIN successfully threatens KWAN-YIU in exchange of CHENG KIU's acquittal.… ...

In order to make a living, MIU TIN and others perform hard labour at the dock. SAI-CHEUNG offers to purchase the medicinal herbs while meeting up with MIU TIN, who informs him about the details. He then proposes paying him three thousand as soon as MIU TIN signs a bill in acknowledgement of the debt. Bumping into SAI-CHEUNG while he is going out with his wife and children, MIU TIN recognizes that SUN-YUET is the bride who touched his tooth gap. Upon his return to Two Oxen village, MIU TIN distributes the interest profits to the villagers. Later he and CHENG KIU find out a young lady is paying tribute at her parents' tomb. It turns out her name is TIN OI-TAI, whose father was cheated and transported to San Francisco. After her parents have passed away, she escorts their cremated remains back to her hometown.… ...

SAI-CHEUNG has successfully convinced OI-TAI to move to Canton. While PO-LAW and SAI-MAN seek SUN-YUET’s assistance in persuading MEI-KUEN, MEI-KUEN firmly stands her ground on disapproving PO-LAW from taking her daughter away, claiming that PO-LAW has already promised to stay at HO’s family after marrying SAI-MAN. In the end, upon SUN-YUET’s successful persuasion, unexpectedly, PO-LAW receives a telegraph from his father in Malaysia, urging him to bring back cash so as to save his rubber plantation. Working as a handy man in the Chai-man Pharmacy, MIU TIN is held in high regard by the owner, CHAI-MAN, who even reserves the position of the manager for him. SAI-CHEUNG goes sight-seeing with OI-TAI in the Mount Xiqiao on Sunday. However, on their way back, they get caught up by SUN-YUET and their children on the heels of their vehicle breakdown.… ...

Suspicious that her husband is cheating on her, SUN-YUET forgot to bring SZE-HANG to see SAI-MAN on her wedding day, so SZE-HANG runs alone after her. Fortunately with the help from MIU TIN, he gets his tooth gap touched. Not only intending to send MAN-WAH to be in charge of the account department in Foshan, SAI-CHEUNG also decides to assign SAI-HO as the manager there, which is fiercely opposed by KWAN-YIU. Worrying that SAI-CHEUNG might suffer a relapse, OI-TAI makes an appointment for him, asking him to have a body check in the clinic. SUN-YUET discovers where OI-TAI lives, so MEI-KUEN goes with her to OI-TAI's residence, forcing her to pack up and leave Canton as soon as possible. When purchasing musk in the Ho Ching Tong Pharmacy, CHAI-MAN encounters obstacles raised by KWAN-YIU.… ...