
poster of Trespassing
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Episode 5

Bing arranges some program to celebrate with Yan during the Christmas Eve. Unexpectedly, Yan and Yeung are being locked up in the Shenzhen factory for the whole night. Yan explains to Bing. Bing does not forgive Yan. Ting instigates Bing. Yan could not control his temper and slaps Ting. Yan backs to Shenzhen to work. He is sick. Fortunately, Yeung takes care of him. Yan likes Yeung more. Tzi knows that Yan is the patron who has paid for Tun's medical fee. He thanks Yan and offers Yeung to marry him. Yan wants to tell them that he is married but has no courage to tell them the truth. The scene is very embarrassed. A business man is interested in Yeung. Yan stops the man in taking advantage on Yeung. Yeung feels grateful for Yan's help. They eventually have a romance for one night. Yeung does not know that Yan is married. She decides to depend on him for the rest of her life.

Release Date: Mon, Jan 31, 1994

Country: HK
Language: Cn
Runtime: 45
Subtitle     Direct Link

Season 1:

Episode 1
Episode 1: Episode 1 (Jan 31, 1994)
YAN cooks some food for his friend during his birthday as Bing does not know how to cook good food. Fai and others force YAN to disclose his secrets when he is cutting the birthday cake. The atmosphere is filled with happiness. Fai lies that he has to work in the factory after the dinner. He asks YAN to send Man home for his sake. Indeed, Fai goes out for fun instead of working. Ting is always very suspicious. She warns Man but Man ignores her warnings. Fai and YAN have an appointment with a Taiwan customer. Fai does not show up as he has to meet his girlfriend, Joey, secretly in the factory. YAN deals with the client by himself. Meanwhile, Man and Ting go to the factory so as to select some samples. Fai and Joey hide outside the window. Unexpectedly, Man decides to play MahJong in the factory. Fai and Joyce are freezing outside tile window. Fa; phones YAN for help with his mobile phone. YAN tries a few methods but is all in vain……
Episode 2
Episode 2: Episode 2 (Feb 01, 1994)
YAN sends Fan, Han and his parent’s home. On the way he quarrels with Fan. The car has eventually crashed into a pond. Kae cannot swim. Fan rescues her during emergency. On imputes the fault to Fan and quarrels with him. Fan is very dissatisfied and snouts that he aims in helping Yan to develop his career. He wants to make On shut up. On is very upset and hates Fan a lot. Bing also gets mad with YAN. Fan stops his financial support to YAN in a towering anger. On does not want to involve Fai and YAN into trouble. He apologizes to YAN. Yan and On eventually reconcile. Fai excuses that he will take a walk with the dog. In fact, he is going to meet his mistress. He returns home very late. He even forgets to bring the dog home. Man nearly can see through the fact. Yan and Fai bring Fan to visit the plant. Ting advises Bing to watch YAN closely as there are a lot of gins from the North who always seduce man……
Episode 3
Episode 3: Episode 3 (Feb 02, 1994)
YAN is being sent to the police station. He begs them not to inform Bing the case. He eventually has settled the case with fines. Yeung leaves her handbag in YAN's room in confusion. YAN brings back the handbag to her. However, Yeung has already being sent into the correctional centre. YAN knows Yeung's personal history from his colleague and friend, Mui. Yeung's family was originally a commercial unit. However, his father's business went bankrupt. Yeung has to take care the family. Moreover, her younger brother is suffered from some kidney disease and needs to receive some surgical operation in the hospital. Yeung has no other alternative and has to work as a Karaoke P.R. YAN sympathizes her and is willing to help. Mui and the others take the initiative to offer YAN their bodies so as to thank for his gratefulness. YAN refused embarrasBingly. YAN backs to Hong Kong and does not tell Bing the case regarding Yeung……
Episode 4
Episode 4: Episode 4 (Feb 03, 1994)
YAN apologizes to Kee. Kee teases YAN who fears his wife that much. She tries to seduce him but is in vain. Kee had been cheated by man for several times. She is a bit abnormal and enjoys destroy happy family. She tries to ruin YAN's family by seducing YAN. However, YAN is very loyal to Bing and does not Fail into Kee's trap. YAN goes to Shenzhen for business. He could not inform Bing in time. Bing thinks that YAN has become very rebellious. With Ting's instigation, great quarrel between YAN and Bing arises. Yeung thanks YAN after she is released from the correctional centre. YAN employs her to be his secretary for kindness sake. Yeung performs very well. Yeung works with Yan for a long time. She appreciates Yan who is honest and serious. She thinks that Yan is still Bingle and cannot help to admire him. With Fai's instigation, Yeung cannot help to admire him more. Yan has also left a good impression on Yeung……
Episode 5
Episode 5: Episode 5 (Feb 04, 1994)
Bing arranges some program to celebrate with Yan during the Christmas Eve. Unexpectedly, Yan and Yeung are being locked up in the Shenzhen factory for the whole night. Yan explains to Bing. Bing does not forgive Yan. Ting instigates Bing. Yan could not control his temper and slaps Ting. Yan backs to Shenzhen to work. He is sick. Fortunately, Yeung takes care of him. Yan likes Yeung more. Tzi knows that Yan is the patron who has paid for Tun's medical fee. He thanks Yan and offers Yeung to marry him. Yan wants to tell them that he is married but has no courage to tell them the truth. The scene is very embarrassed. A business man is interested in Yeung. Yan stops the man in taking advantage on Yeung. Yeung feels grateful for Yan's help. They eventually have a romance for one night. Yeung does not know that Yan is married. She decides to depend on him for the rest of her life.
Episode 6
Episode 6: Episode 6 (Feb 07, 1994)
Yeung suspects that she is pregnant. She checks Yan's reaction. Yan is very nervous and dares not to tell her that he is married. He advises her to examine clearly before they make any move. Ting instigates Bing to divorce Yan for revenge. Yan is very upset. Fai advises Yan to rescue his marriage with Bing for his business sake. Fai even suggests him to set up family both in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Yan meets Bing in the law firm. He tries to beg Bing forgiving him. Bing pretends to be very determined. Yan has no other alternative and signed the divorce document. Bing thinks that Yan is that cold-blooded and cries sadly. She is even fainted. Bing is being sent to the hospital. She is found to be pregnant. However, the baby had died because of the Fail. Yan blames himself and jumps down to the sea for suicide. Fai also drowns into sea for saving Yan. 80th of them are being sent to the hospital……
Episode 7
Episode 7: Episode 7 (Feb 08, 1994)
Bing also regrets that she has played a great trick on YAN. She takes good care of YAN for compensation YAN feels ashamed of himself. YAN and Yeung are also inseparable. YAN fears that Yeung will get pregnant. He eventually proves that it is only a Faise terror. However, Yeung urges YAN to marry her. YAN has nothing to say. He gives his business as an excuse to delay the marriage. Fai warns YAN that his wife will soon know Yeung's case if he still let Yeung stay in the company. They trap Yeung and make her resign. Though YAN achieved what he wants, he feels very sorry and unease. YAN accompanies Yeung to a park. They meet Fan who is with a mother and a daughter. YAN finds that Fan has another family in Shenzhen. The father-in-law and son-in-law understand each other's situation and have nothing to say. Mui covets for vanity and does not want to work hard. She eventually trapped an old rich merchant……
Episode 8
Episode 8: Episode 8 (Feb 09, 1994)
Bing wants to stay in Shenzhen for a week. YAN pretends that he is sick. He wants Bing to back Hong Kong with him. Kee seduces a teacher, John. She deliberately unveils their affair to his wife. John faces the crisis of divorce. He negotiates with Kee and beats Kee angrily. Kee is happy to destroy his family. Kee arranges to meet YAN for business. Bing also joins in the meeting. Kee deliberately develops a good relation with Bing. Bing believes that YAN and Kee have no unusual relation. Kee visits YAN's home. YAN brings Kee home after the visit. Kee takes the opportunity to seduce him. YAN leaves embarrasBingly. Kee is very angry. Yeung's grandmother is seriously ill. She asks the social worker, Kwok Leung, to arrage her to come to Hong Kong so that she can take care of her. YAN is very wrried. He arranges Yeung to live in Fai's flat temporarily.
Episode 9
Episode 9: Episode 9 (Feb 10, 1994)
YAN brings Yeung to Fai's flat and meets Man. YAN hides away shrewdly and could eventually manage to keep his secret. YAN is not familiar with Fai's flat. It makes him very embarrassed. Yeung asks Leung for help. Leung visits Hi for Yeung's sake. Hi looks good though she is sick. HI fears that she could not see Yeung for the last time. She asks Leung to help Yeung applying for a trip to Hong Kong. HI's surgical operation is very successful. Yeung is very happy. Leung understands her situation and applies for three months' extensions in Hong Kong for Yeung. YAN IS very nervous when he has heard the news. Bing wants to move to a large flat. She moves to the same building as Yeung is living by coincidence. She meets Yeung in a lift. Bing by chance knows Yeung. YAN has to deal with the two women and is nearly suffered from nervous breakdown.
Episode 10
Episode 10: Episode 10 (Feb 11, 1994)
Bing brings Yeung home. Meanwhile, YAN is at home. He tries to divert their attention by all means. He aims to cover up the truth from Yeung. In order to hide the truth, he devises to move Yeung to the New Territories. He could also stop Bing and Yeung get acquainted with each other. Leung always visits Hi. He knows Yeung more and is gradually attracted by her. He secretly blossoms love to her but dares not to express. Leung and Yeung accompany the age old people to the sub-urban area for a picnic. One of the old women is fainted. Leung turns his ankle when he is trying to help. Yeung sends Leung home. Leung boils some water at home and carelessly breaks the gas pipe and leaks some gas. Leung and Yeung are fainted because of the gas leakage. They are being sent to the hospital. The press exaggerates the they are lovers who had commit suicide foe love's sake. Hi know that Leung does like Yeung a lot. She tries to match them……
Episode 11
Episode 11: Episode 11 (Feb 14, 1994)
When Yan has known that Bing will attend their engagement ceremony, he is fainted. Fai proposes to drive Bing and Man home. On the way home he pretends that he car is out of service. However, a taxi for hire passesby.8ing catches the taxi. Fai pretends to be sick. He requests Bing and Man to accompany him to the hospital. However, Bing insists to attend the engagement ceremony by herself. Fai has no way out. He suddenly sees a police block. He lies that he has forgotten to bring with him his identity card. The police suspect that they are some illegal immigrant. They are then being sent to the police station for investigation. Mui's husbands go bankrupt soon after the marriage. Her husband is so irritated and died. He left nothing for Mui. Mui has no one to depend upon in Japan. She decides to back to Hong Kong. Fai thinks that Mui is now very rich and flatters Mui. However, he changes his attitude once he has known her situation……
Episode 12
Episode 12: Episode 12 (Feb 15, 1994)
When Fai has heard the news, he wants Mui to invest her money in his garment factory. He regrets for what he has done. Mui is still angry with Fai who has refused her. She is not moved by him at all. Fai is in league with Yan. They make Mui believe that she is pregnant with Fai to be the baby's father. Unexpectedly, Mui prefers to have abortion instead of stay with Fai. Fai has no way out. He pretends that he will commit suicide so as to win Mui's sympathy. Mui believes him and agrees to marry him. Yan finds that Fai has done a bit too much. Yan warns Fai. Fai ignores Yan's warning. Fai even proposes to divorce Man. Man suffers a great blow and wants to kill her. Bing and Ting blame Fai seriously. Yan fears that he will follow Fai's path. Yan is very nervous and anxious. Hi is getting very sick. She urges Yeung and Yan to marry. Yeung wants to extend her visa in Hong Kong. Yan is in a dilemma. Yan tells Fan the case……
Episode 13
Episode 13: Episode 13 (Feb 16, 1994)
YAN drowns care in wine. Kee sees through his weaknesses and to opportunity to have one night romance with him. She even has recorded. She threats YAN with the video tape and forces him to spend some time YAN is very frustrated. He does not love Kee at all. He wants to refuse her; however, Kee always bothers him. He wants to tell Bing the case but he dares not to disclose the truth great pressure. Man always depends on Fai. She is heart-broken when Fai proposes to divorce her down in Australia independently. Kee by chances knows YAN and Yeung's relation. She forces YAN to give up other woman with this secret. YAN refuses. She pretends to be very understanding. Indeed, hatred seeded in her heart. She deliberately gets along with Bing and always appears in YAN's home. YAN is nearly suffered from nervous breakdown. Mui knows Man through Yeung. Fai presents in a meeting Mui founds out that he is married and she becomes Fai's mistress……
Episode 14
Episode 14: Episode 14 (Feb 17, 1994)
Mui is being cheated. She loses confidence in Hong Kong and backs to China. She prefers to live in the simple countryside. Fai lends money from loan-shark for gambling. He owes the loan shark five hundred thousand. Loan shark, Wah, beats Fai. Fai asks YAN for help. YAN regards him as friend and agrees to help. Yan asks 6ing to lend him some money. Bing refuses. YAN then asks Mui to help. Mui finds that YAN is so kind and gentle. She agrees to lend him money. Fai misunderstands that Mui still loves him. He implores Mui to stay. Mui is so heart-broken that she insists to leave. Fai's business goes bankrupt. He has to work as a taxi-driver. He meets Ting. Ting insults him. YAN has eventually known Kee's past record and encounters. He wants to change her but is in vain. Fai tries to scare Kee. However, Kee sends some people to beat Fai instead. Han by chance finds that Fan has a wife in Shenzhen. She suffers a great blow……
Episode 15
Episode 15: Episode 15 (Feb 18, 1994)
Yeung is allowed to work in Hong Kong. Kee deliberately arranges her to work in her company. She could then control YAN. YAN wants to tell Bing the case but he has no courage to so. He eventually puts his words in a cassette tape. He asks Fai to forward the tape to Bing. Unexpectedly, Bing has known that she is pregnant. Yan does not want to irritate her and keeps the secret. YAN excuses that she will accompany Bing to Taiwan visiting his mother-in-law so as to keep away from Yeung and Kee. Unexpectedly, he meets Kee on the plane. Kee deliberately follows YAN and Bing. She makes YAN very frightened and nervous. Kee demands YAN to accompany her to Hong Kong. YAN has to agree. One day, they quarrel in the car. The car crashes in confusion. Kee is seriously injured and YAN is only slightly injured. Bing has heard the news. She hurries to visit Kee. Meanwhile, Yeung arrives. YAN tries to hide himself and makes the scene very confused.
Episode 16
Episode 16: Episode 16 (Feb 21, 1994)
Bing and Yeung force Yan to tell them the truth. Yan has no alternative and tell them everything, even his relation with Peggy. Bing is so irritated that she faints. Yeung Leaves angrily. Bing is numb due to the great shook. On" Kue and the others worry a Lot for her health. They try their best to comfort her. Kue and ling scold Yeung and rebukes her who has destroyed a happy family. Yeung is difficult to get at the truth. Bing expresses that he is willing to withdraw from the triangle relation with tears. Yan is very depressed. Yeung wants to kill herself. Fortunately, Leung rescues her in time. Yan visits Yeung. Leung scolds Yan. Peggy was seriously injured. Yan feels very sorry. Yan is ashamed of himself. He wants to commit suicide. He leaves a message in a video tape before he kills himself. He asks Fai to forward them the video. Unexpectedly, he has no courage to kill himself……
Episode 17
Episode 17: Episode 17 (Feb 22, 1994)
Bing separates with YAN through the Lawyer form. YAN wants to meet Bing again but is in rain. YAN feels very upset. YAN meets Yeung again. He finds that she has become very firm and mature. She even receives the sponsorship to study in the U.S. YAN feels happy for her. With Leung's encouragement, Yeung could strengthen herself. She gradually fails in Love with Leung after a Long time contact with him. After the incident, Fan secludes himself in a temple. He Lives a simple Life. YAN visits him. He hopes that he could have Bing's new. However, Fan is out and YAN could not reach him. YAN and Fai requests for what they have done. They reform themselves and work steadily as taxi drivers. They hope that they could meet their wives one day. Peggy is still unconscious. YAN visits him. He murmurs the pain of Lo Bing wife. Peggy is so excited that she becomes awake. However, she has already lost her memory……
Episode 18
Episode 18: Episode 18 (Feb 23, 1994)
YAN brings Peggy for a walk. He hopes that it could help her to recover her memory. Unexpectedly, she gets on a mini YAN. YAN offend the traffic rule so as to chase Peggy back. YAN tries to bring her home. She eventually remembers her sitting-room set up and could take care herself. YAN chats with Peggy. Peggy recalls her childhood grievance. YAN feels very sorry. Peggy wonders in the street. The gangster insults her. She gets crazy and beats the gangster. They are being sent to the hospital. Peggy could defend for herself. YAN is at ease as she could eventually be independent. Peggy reads through her news clipping. She feels strange regarding John's encounter. She visits him in the prison. John rebukes her. Later, she questions John's wife the details. She then knows her past evil deeds, she is ashamed of herself. Later, she decides to reform herself with YAN's encouragement. Bing has given birth to a baby……
Episode 19
Episode 19: Episode 19 (Feb 24, 1994)
On and Kue beg YAN and Bing to stay together. Unexpectedly, Ting claims that Bing has a new boyfriend, Yung, who is very good to Bing. YAN is very jealous. Man backs to Hong Kong with Bing. Man sees that Fai is determined to reform himself. However, she is so disappointed that she still wants to Leave Fai and migrates aboard. Yung is Bing's first Lover. He gives up Bing for the sake of fulfilling his will. He Loves Bing more than before after so many years departure. He claims that he will never give up Bing. YAN sees that Yung is so good to Bing. He wants Bing and his son Live happily. Thus, he gives up the right of fostering his son. On and Kue are very angry. Han visits Fan in a Shenzhen temple. Fan works as a teacher in a village and Lives a simple Life. Bing and Han beg Fan to go aboard with them. However, Fan is determined to stay in the country and dedicate in the education work……
Episode 20
Episode 20: Episode 20 (Feb 25, 1994)
Fai is very weak. He is being sent into the hospital. Man visits him. Fai again implores Man to stay. Man pages Fai and Leaves a message before she left Hong Kong. Fai is so irritated that he does not accept a surgical operation. He bursts into the airport to Look for Man. Man is affected with his sincerity. Man returns to Hong Kong and stays with Fai. YAN signs the agreement of giving up the right of fostering his son. He brings his son home for a few days. He misses his son a Lot and does not want to apart from the baby. Peggy pages YAN. YAN ignores her. She follows YAN and find out that YAN is playing happily with his son. Peggy dislikes Bing. Peggy brings the baby away secretly and intends to give it to YAN. YAN and Bing worry a Lot for the baby. They request the police for help. Peggy brings the baby to YAN's home and claims that she will be a good mother for the baby. She even forces YAN to stay with her……

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