6.7/10 by 3 users
Sighting 4015: The Underwater Incident
A UFO rams a charter boat.
- Jack Webb
- Harold Jack Bloom
Release Date:
Sun, Feb 19, 1978
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 60
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 60
Season 2:

After three college professors report a pair of V-shaped UFO's, the crafts are witnessed again.

A cargo plane navigator mysteriously changes his reported UFO story about an encounter in the Yukon.

A young mentally ill woman films blue and white UFOs as evidence for Project UFO.

A student says aliens have warned him via lasers and music that the Earth will be taken over unless pollution is cleaned up.

A business man films a UFO after it attacks him and two other men. He, however, does not want to part with the evidence. Also, a man claims to have UFO debris in his garage.

A doctor and three natives of a South Pacific Island claim to see a small UFO fly out of a mother ship. The natives, however, later deny the story.

A young student finds two small artifacts of pure magnesium left in a mine by a UFO. A gypsy warns the boy not to tell anyone.

A large UFO hovers over a 10-year old on a beach who says it played her a message sent from Earth into space 15-years ago.

A Vietnam vet sees a UFO. Scouting with children in the hills, the scoutmaster recieves burns from the UFO encounter.

An officer onboard the luxury liner Atlantic Queen sees a UFO while crossing th Atlantic. The captain of the ship accuses him of making it all up to further his career. There is, however, another witness.

An L.A. Airport traffic controller spots a UFO on his scanner. Later, residents of an apartment are startled by the appearance of a UFO outside their window.

A student pilot is threatened with expulsion after seeing a UFO and recklessly diving to earth trying to chase it . Her boyfriend, however, is keeping information from her and the school's officials.