Liberty Street (1995)
Liberty Street was a Canadian drama television series, which aired on CBC Television in 1995. Produced by Kit Hood and Linda Schuyler, the team behind the long-running Degrassi series of television shows, Liberty Street was an attempt to create a similar series depicting the lives of a group of young adults living on their own for the first time. The pilot film, X-Rated, aired in 1994 and was developed into an 11-episode series. The cast included Henriette Ivanans, Joel Bissonnette, Billy Merasty, Kimberly Huie and Pat Mastroianni. Parts of the show were shot in and around the Liberty Village area of Toronto.
Country: CA
Language: En
Runtime: 30
Season 2:
Frank is disappointed when a record company wants to work with Wade, but not with him.
Marsha falls for a handsome stranger. Frank must think of creative ways to deal with cash flow problems.
Jan goes head to head with another student who suggests she may have been admitted to law school for reasons other than merit.
Dave's inability to pay Frank leads to strained relationships.
When Stuart admits he's a virgin, Annie decides that it's time to rid him of that little inconvenience, but changes her mind when she finds out Stuart has told Frank they already slept together. Frank and Cynthia are having trouble with their relationship because he is angry and jealous of former partner Wade's success. But he is sincerely sorry to learn Wade's father had a stroke. Ben brings a string quartet down to the apartment building to serenade Marcia, in an attempt to get her back. She finally caves and tells him that she wants him in her life.
Stuart tries to avoid deportation. Frank hopes Dave's unlucky break will help get him ahead in the music business.