Jing: King of Bandits Seventh Heaven (2004)
They call it Seventh Heaven: an asylum of a prison roasting on the lowest ring of Hell. Run by a psychotic warden and his army of hockey-masked guards, it's a festering pit filled with thousands of hardened criminals... plus one very unfortunate Bandit King and his loyal, feathered sidekick! And as if THAT didn't suck enough for our heroes, toss in a magician who uses stolen dreams to trap his victims in bizarre worlds of illusion who then sets his beady eyes on Jing and Kir!
- Yuuichi Kumakura
Country: JP
Language: Ja | En
Runtime: 27
Season 1:

Jing and Kir are thrown into the infamous prison known as Seventh Heaven. Jing has allowed himself to be captured because his next target is an item called a Dream Orb, which the prisoner Campari can craft from a person's dreams to allow another person to experience those dreams. When Jing leaves his cell he gets entangled in an illusion when he encounters Campari.

Jing has been put in solitary confinement. Campari gives him a dream of the past and Jing flashes back to when he and Kir, still in his egg, met for the first time when they save a girl who has been kidnapped by the Forest Spirit.

Jing turns the tables on Campari and finds clues to Campari's past, the lost village of Acacia and the girl who promised to marry him. Eventually Jing fights the Warden and Campari helps him to escape.