The Mighty B! (2008)
The Mighty B! is an American animated television series co-created by Amy Poehler, Cynthia True and Erik Wiese for Nickelodeon. The series centers on Bessie Higgenbottom, an ambitious Honeybee girl scout who believes she will become The Mighty B if she collects every Honeybee badge. Bessie lives in San Francisco with her single mother Hilary, brother Ben and dog Happy. Poehler provides the voice of Bessie, who is loosely based on a character Poehler played on the improvisational comedy troupes Second City and Upright Citizens Brigade.
- Amy Poehler
- Erik Wiese
- Cynthia True
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 23
Season 2:
Bessie's tooth filling conducts radio signals.
Bessie and Happy go to Alcatraz and get mistaken for criminals.
Bessie and Happy drink the Hippie's hair tonic by mistake.
Bessie wins tickets to a sold-out concert and everybody wants to be her plus one.
Bessie sets out to prove that the boogeyman is not under Ben's bed.
When Finger makes a new friend, Bessie is forced to spend time with Ronnie.
Bessie is expecting a surprise party for her that nobody else has interest in.
Penny gets kidnapped by a mob of gangster fish while on a fishing trip.
Ben turns to the dark side when he thinks Bessie’s making Happy her sidekick instead of him.
Bessie gets framed for several crimes, and suspect number one is Mr. Pants the teddy bear.
Bessie disguises herself as a boy to join the Gorilla scouts.
Happy launches himself and Bessie into outer space to avoid getting a flea dip.
Bessie must write jokes in order to earn her Stand-up Comedy badge.
Ben, Happy and the Hippie form a Gentlemen's club and Bessie wants to join.
Bessie is haunted by her inability to get a strike while bowling.