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From Russia with love - and if by love you mean 40 syringes in your butt - come the Debloids. Taking stupidity to the former Soviet bloc, freedom to these pranksters means setting blankets on fire while people are sleeping in them, hammering nails into their friends' hands and sticking sausages in their nether regions.
Release Date:
Tue, Nov 02, 2004
Country: US
Language: En | Zh | Pt | Ru
Runtime: 30
Country: US
Language: En | Zh | Pt | Ru
Runtime: 30
Season 1:

The Tokyo Shock Boys are the only professionally dopey troupe on our world tour of stupidity. You see, you're not allowed to be stupid on the streets for free in Japan - but charging admission apparently gives you carte blanche to eat scorpions, drink beer through your nose and eat dry ice.

Some of the most cerebral stupidity comes to us from Oz courtesy of the Pickled Eggs. The thinkers - and we're using that term very loosely here - of the lot, they aim for more than cheap thrills with their antics.

Translated into English, Brazil's N.O.I.A.'s name means "our stupid organization rules." Well at least they've got the stupid part down.

Canada's stupid troupe has perhaps the most fitting name for the kind of people who will voluntarily wreak havoc on a ski hill and film it for sport - Boner. All from skateboarding and snowboarding backgrounds, Boner makes an annual trip to the famous Canadian Rockies and mayhem usually follows.

From Russia with love - and if by love you mean 40 syringes in your butt - come the Debloids. Taking stupidity to the former Soviet bloc, freedom to these pranksters means setting blankets on fire while people are sleeping in them, hammering nails into their friends' hands and sticking sausages in their nether regions.

From the world capital of sophistication comes the Fonky Napalm Corporation, a troupe designed to debunk all you've ever heard about France being a haven for art and culture. Foie gras? How about dog food?

The only troupe on our tour of the dim-witted that boasts members with legitimate jobs, Hong Kong's Chiseen is made up of career actors who are actually famous for serious films. Stupid is just a side job for them.

The E-Jets from Wales are particularly dedicated to getting hurt. They came together through a mutual love of stapling each other's ears to their heads, hurling flaming tennis balls at each other, attempting to puke up bubbles by drinking dishwashing liquid with water, drinking sour milk and gluing their friends to signposts to see if they can pull them off and leave skin behind.

The undisputed king of all things moronic, America doesn't just lead the pack on stupid, in invented it. From California to Hawaii they drink and drive - bikes that is - stage bare-knuckle girlfights on the streets, drive off cliffs, drink vomit, eat chicken fat and shoot each other with paintball guns all for your Internet viewing pleasure. And now, you don't have to log on to join the fun.