ITV Playhouse (1967)
ITV Playhouse is a British comedy-drama TV series that ran from 1967 to 1983, which featured contributions from playwrights such as Dennis Potter, Rhys Adrian and Alan Sharp. The series began in black and white, but was later shot in colour and was produced by various companies for the ITV network, a format that would inspire Dramarama. Actors appearing in the series included Leslie Anderson, Gwen Nelson, Ricky Alleyne, Pat Heywood, Michael Elphick, Ian Hendry, Edward Woodward, Margaret Lockwood, Jessie Matthews and Lloyd Peters.
Country: GB
Language: En
Season 14:
Dogfood Dan And The Carmarthen Cowboy was a tale of two long-distance dogfood-carrying lorry drivers who, to the other's ignorance, are each having affairs with the other's wife. Although the men meet up on the road, exchange stories of their sexual escapades, and often talk to their wives about their travelling friend, the lies they spin and the false names they invent mean that neither the husbands nor the wives cotton on to the convoluted situation. Aubrey Owen likes to pass himself off as an MP, 'Aneurin', during his visits with Helen, while Dan claims he is carrying top secret 'abnormal' loads when pursuing the passionate Myfanwy. Made by Yorkshire Television for the ITV Network.