The Troubleshooters (1965)
The Troubleshooters is a British television series made by the BBC between 1965 and 1972, created by John Elliot. During its run, the series made the transition from black and white to colour transmissions. The series was based around an international oil company – the "Mogul" of the title. The first series was mostly concerned with the internal politics within the Mogul organisation, with episodes revolving around industrial espionage, internal fraud and negligence almost leading to an accident on a North Sea oil rig.
- John Elliot
Country: GB
Language: En
Runtime: 60
Season 7:
An oil find in Scandinavia brings problems for Mogul, and a new man poses a threat to Stead.
The threat to Stead becomes reality as Langley takes up his post as Deputy Chairman and Willy Izard reaches the end of the road.
Trouble in the Peruvian Andes for Thornton in the shadow of the Spanish Conquistadores brings Langley his first test as Deputy Chairman.
Mogul seem to have struck it rich in the Bay of Biscay. But it means danger for Thornton and Langley.
Drama at sea as Peter Thornton and H.M.S. Ark Royal race to the rescue of a stricken tanker.
A Polynesian paradise - or is it? Thornton finds out that even the South Pacific has its share of difficult people.
Corsica's main export is brains, they say. It is also the birthplace of Napoleon - and Thornton, Izard and Langley find they are not allowed to forget it.
Traditions often die hard. But Thornton meets with more violent opposition when Mogul's New Zealand pipeline clashes with Maori interests.
A wage claim at Mogul's biggest chemical works brings Stead into an unlikely alliance with a communist shop steward in a head-on clash with Langley.