Movie Surfers (1998)
Movie Surfers is a Disney Channel mini-show, that appears in commercial-like form, where teenagers go behind the scenes of Walt Disney-related films. It started out as a TV special that would air when a new Disney movie came out. It was about teenagers communicating with each other via webcams and getting info about the movies. Now, it also appears as 5-minute segments after a Disney Channel movie or series ends. In 1997 when the show began, Mischa, Lindsay, Alexis, and Marcus used the computer to surf the internet to go behind the scenes of upcoming movies. Starting in 2002, they began sitting in a screening room and talking to various actors and actresses of the movie and what inspired the movie. Since early 2005, there's been a brand new cast: Rose, who left early 2006 and was replaced by Stevanna, Josh, Jeryn, and Tessa. They still sit in a screening room but have branched out to do more interactive segments in which they might get to actually get in on some of the filming process themselves. In 2009, Disney XD started airing Movie Surfers. sometimes during commercial breaks.
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 5
Season 2:
After graduation from Junior High Lizzie, Gordo and Class travel to Rome where Lizzie dicovers love in a music idol. She signs on as his partner thinking that she has found love in him until she realizes that love has been right there infront of her the entire time.
Not understanding each other's life a mother and daughter duo played by actresses Jamie Lee Curtiss and Lindsay Lohan switch bodies and are forced to see eye to eye with their lives before they can be switched back.
When a fish goes missing his father sets out to find him before Bruce the Shark finds him first.
Surfers talk about the movie where a man turns into a bear and is brfriended by a small cub named Koda played by Jeremy Suarez (The Bernie Mac Show).
When a real estate agent gets trapped in a haunted mansion with his family they discover interesting secrets about the mansion.