Carl² (2005)
Carl² is a Canadian animated series which explores what would happen if a teenager had a clone. The concept of the cartoon is a mixture of biological studies and normal teenage life. Carl Crashman is a lazy 14-year-old who is only good at one thing: slacking. After a rough day and being tired of constantly doing things he hated, he was blogging on the Internet and complaining about his life when he accidentally ordered a clone from a spam e-mail using his fingerprint, a yearbook photo and a scabby band-aid; Carl is shocked when an online cloning company sends him an exact clone of himself in a box. Carl names him C2. Even though C2 looks like Carl, talks like him, and walks like him, C2 is more ambitious, hard-working, and charming, much to Carl's advantage. Since C2 arrived, Carl has been slacking off a lot more. However, C2 often does the opposite to what Carl wants. Carl decides to keep C2 a secret from everyone else except his best friend Jamie James. The show's theme song depicts the initial arrival of C2 at Carl's house. There are two different versions of the theme songs, each version having a different opening sequence and slightly different lyrics. As of Season 2, the opening sequence includes more on how C2 was created in the cloning lab.
- Eva Almos
- Carolyn Hay
- Lila Rose
Country: CA
Language: En
Runtime: 23
Season 4:
C2 drops an olive in his dad's time machine causing an alternate universe.
The Crashman's go on a road trip and end up lost in the woods with a crazy maniac with a chainsaw.
A video game creator creates a new game where you make your own avatar and battle others for prize money. Carl is doing great until Skye and him are the final two contestants.
Carl becomes a counsler at a summer camp so he can make a move on Skye one of the other counseler's
Skye starts a protest for exploiting women at a local contest and somehow Carl gets signed up and has to wear a " sexy " thong.
Carl gets into trouble and has to do lots of community service.
Mr. Agar becomes principal and for some reason he knows about all the bad stuff the students are doing. Everyone blames Carl. Later it is revealed Mr. Agar put a listening device inside Carl's MP3 and that's how he knew everything.
Carl steals a boat and throws a party on it. The boat tips and everyone leaves. But Carl, Mr. Agar, Chloe, Jamie, Janet, Barney, Damion, Renee, C2, and Lorna are still on it. Someone cuts the anchor rope and they all get marooned on an island. Teletoon viewers were asked to go to the website and try to discover who cut the rope. It is later revealed who it was.
A mystery episode. Watch to find out the mystery!
The cloning lab makes an announcement that it will offer human cloning to the public. Skye decides to start an anti-cloning movement. But how will she reacts when she learns that Carl already has a clone?