
poster of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood: Would You Be Mine Collection
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Mister Rogers Talks About Families

Adoption (1554) Mister Rogers talks about how children are curious about families that are formed by adoption and discusses his family's adoption of his own sister.

Release Date: Fri, Aug 31, 1979

Country: US
Language: En
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Fred Rogers
Mr. Rogers
David Newell
Mr. McFeely
Betty Aberlin
Lady Aberlin
Joe Negri
Handyman Negri

Season 1:

Mister Rogers Goes to School
Episode 1: Mister Rogers Goes to School (Aug 31, 1979)
Mister Rogers Rides a School Bus (1465) Mister Rogers takes a ride on a school bus and talks with the school bus driver.
Mister Rogers Talks About Competition
Episode 2: Mister Rogers Talks About Competition (Jun 03, 1981)
With Visit from Big Bird (1483) Mister Rogers remembers a visit he had with artist Andy Wyeth. Then, in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Big Bird from Sesame Street arrives and reassures Henrietta that X the Owl will still be her best friend.
Mister Rogers Talks About Discipline
Episode 3: Mister Rogers Talks About Discipline (Mar 04, 1982)
With Skater Peggy Fleming (1494) Mister Rogers goes to visit ice-skating star Peggy Fleming who is practicing for an ice show. They talk about how doing anything well takes a lot of practice.
Mister Rogers Talks About Pets
Episode 4: Mister Rogers Talks About Pets (Jun 03, 1982)
Mister Rogers Takes Barney for a Walk (1499) Mister Rogers takes Barney the dog for a walk. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Ana decides that she would like a kitten for her birthday.
Mister Rogers Talks About Friends
Episode 5: Mister Rogers Talks About Friends (Nov 17, 1982)
Henrietta Gets Angry (1508) In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, X the Owl's bossiness makes his friend Henrietta angry. Mister Rogers encourages his viewers to talk about their angry feelings.
Mister Rogers Talks About Day Care & Night Care
Episode 6: Mister Rogers Talks About Day Care & Night Care (Apr 29, 1983)
Visit to a Graham Cracker Factory (1520) Mister Rogers visits a factory and learns how people make graham crackers. He also shows a video of some of the many people who are caregivers-from crossing guards to teachers.
Mister Rogers Talks About Work
Episode 7: Mister Rogers Talks About Work (Apr 08, 1984)
The Television Studio (1530) Mister Rogers talks about his own work and shows viewers the television studio and introduces some of the people who help make Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
Mister Rogers Talks About Grandparents
Episode 8: Mister Rogers Talks About Grandparents (May 08, 1984)
Mister Rogers' Parents (1532) Mister Rogers shows pictures of his own parents and visits Negri's Music Shop where jazz violinist John Blake and his son play music.
Mister Rogers Talks About No and Yes
Episode 9: Mister Rogers Talks About No and Yes (Feb 05, 1985)
King Friday Says Yes (1542) Mister Rogers remembers that his parents sometimes had to say "no" to keep him safe. Then, King Friday says "yes" to officiating a wedding.
Mister Rogers Talks About Music
Episode 10: Mister Rogers Talks About Music (May 14, 1985)
With Cellist Yo-Yo Ma (1547) Cellist Yo-Yo Ma comes to visit Mister Rogers. They talk about music and feelings, and Yo-Yo Ma plays cello music that can express different emotions.
Mister Rogers Talks About Music
Episode 11: Mister Rogers Talks About Music (May 16, 1985)
With the Empire Brass Quintet (1549) Mister Rogers visits the Empire Brass Quintet and listens carefully to how all of the instruments sound.
Mister Rogers Talks About Families
Episode 12: Mister Rogers Talks About Families (Nov 28, 1985)
Adoption (1554) Mister Rogers talks about how children are curious about families that are formed by adoption and discusses his family's adoption of his own sister.
Mister Rogers Talks About Making and Creating
Episode 13: Mister Rogers Talks About Making and Creating (Feb 07, 1986)
Visit to a Playground (1560) Mister Rogers invites viewers along on a visit to a special new playground designed and built by both adults and children.
Mister Rogers Talks About Celebrations
Episode 14: Mister Rogers Talks About Celebrations (May 07, 1986)
With Trumpeter Wynton Marsalis (1563) Trumpeter Wynton Marsalis visits Negri's Music Shop and talks with Mister Rogers about his music.
Mister Rogers Talks About Playthings
Episode 15: Mister Rogers Talks About Playthings (Nov 27, 1986)
Prince Tuesday's New Bike (1569) In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Ana Platypus is jealous of Prince Tuesday's new bike and she's angry because her parents aren't buying one for her.
Mister Rogers Talks About Dance
Episode 16: Mister Rogers Talks About Dance (Mar 12, 1987)
Visit to the Dance Theatre of Harlem (1574) Mister Rogers visits Arthur Mitchell at the Dance Theatre of Harlem. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Elaine recognizes that dance can be about all kinds of feelings.
Mister Rogers Talks About Making Mistakes
Episode 17: Mister Rogers Talks About Making Mistakes (May 06, 1987)
Daniel Worries About Making a Mistake (1578) In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, a skunk gets startled and accidentally makes a mistake and sprays. Daniel worries that maybe he's a mistake, but Lady Aberlin reassures him that he's fine just the way he is.
Mister Rogers Talks About Fun and Games
Episode 18: Mister Rogers Talks About Fun and Games (Feb 23, 1989)
With Olympian Suzie McConnell (1604) Olympic gold medalist Suzie McConnell comes to give Mister Rogers a basketball lesson. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, everyone is welcomed to be part of a team and given team uniforms.
Mister Rogers Talks About When Parents Go to Work
Episode 19: Mister Rogers Talks About When Parents Go to Work (Nov 21, 1989)
Parents Care for Their Children (1612) Mister Rogers and Mr. McFeely show how they make an apple-peanut butter treat and remind children how much they learn from people other than their parents.
Mister Rogers Talks About the Environment
Episode 20: Mister Rogers Talks About the Environment (Apr 19, 1990)
Snorkeling in the Florida Keys (1619) Together with marine botanist Sylvia Earle, Mister Rogers goes snorkeling off the coast of the Florida Keys and learns how important it is to take care of the oceans.
Mister Rogers Talks About Fathers & Music
Episode 21: Mister Rogers Talks About Fathers & Music (Aug 02, 1990)
With Folksinger Ella Jenkins (1624) Folksinger Ella Jenkins visits Mister Rogers with her ukulele and shares songs her father enjoyed.
Mister Rogers Talks About Art
Episode 22: Mister Rogers Talks About Art (Nov 28, 1991)
Visit to a Community Art Center (1644) Mister Rogers visits a potter named Bill Strickland at the community art center where they work on making a pot together at the potter's wheel.
Mister Rogers Talks About Love
Episode 23: Mister Rogers Talks About Love (Feb 25, 1993)
With Mandolinist Peter Ostroushko (1664) At Negri's Music Shop, mandolinist Peter Ostroushko sings a Ukrainian lullaby.
Mister Rogers Talks About Then and Now
Episode 24: Mister Rogers Talks About Then and Now (Sep 03, 1993)
With Violinist Itzhak Perlman (1670) World-famous violinist Itzhak Perlman joins Mister Rogers in a rehearsal room and shares some of his music.
Mister Rogers Talks About Going Away and Coming Back
Episode 25: Mister Rogers Talks About Going Away and Coming Back (Aug 30, 1994)
A Visit With Paramedics (1677) Mister Rogers visits with paramedics who show him their equipment. Mister Rogers says it's good to know what to expect in scary situations
What Do You Do With the Mad That You Feel?
Episode 26: What Do You Do With the Mad That You Feel? (Oct 20, 1995)
A Visit With STOMP (1695) Mister Rogers visits with STOMP, a performance group who make rhythmic percussion-type sounds with ordinary household things like brooms and pails.
Everybody's Special
Episode 27: Everybody's Special (Aug 31, 1995)
A Visit With the Voice of Prince Tuesday (1689) Mister Rogers shows how he works some of the puppets and visits Lenny Meledandri-the voice of Prince Tuesday.
Mister Rogers Talks About Helping
Episode 28: Mister Rogers Talks About Helping (Jul 23, 1996)
A Visit With the Jabali Afrika Musical Group (1702) A dynamic musical group from Kenya called Jabali Afrika visits Negri's Music Shop.
Mister Rogers Talks About Curiosity
Episode 29: Mister Rogers Talks About Curiosity (Feb 25, 2000)
With Violinist Hilary Hahn (1755) Mister Rogers visits with world-famous violinist Hilary Hahn and they talk about her music and her background as he listens to her play.
Mister Rogers Ready to Read?
Episode 30: Mister Rogers Ready to Read? (Aug 28, 2000)
Caring for a Baby Elephant (1756) Where does Mister Rogers find a 500 pound baby? At the zoo. It's a baby elephant, and Mister Rogers learns about how the mother elephant and people at the zoo help care for it.
Mister Rogers Talks About Competition
Episode 31: Mister Rogers Talks About Competition (Jun 01, 1981)
Visit to the Crayon Factory (1481) Mister Rogers shows a video of how crayons are made. Then, he talks about drawing and how everyone's drawings are unique.

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