The Wayne Brady Show (2001)
The Wayne Brady Show is a variety show hosted by comedian Wayne Brady that aired in two separate forms. On August 8, 2001 ABC, for whom Brady had been working as a panelist on Whose Line Is It Anyway?, launched the first Wayne Brady Show as a primetime variety series that failed to catch on and was cancelled in March 2002. Later that fall, plans to bring the show back as a daily syndicated daytime series came to fruition and The Wayne Brady Show premiered on local stations nationwide on September 3, 2002. Although the show was a hit at the start, the ratings began sliding during the first season and continued into its second, and on May 21, 2004 The Wayne Brady Show aired its final episode.
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 30
Season 2:
The show opens with Wayne tracking down the cast members of The Wayne Brady Show to restart the second season. Wayne improvises a rap with help from Joe Thompson's suggestions from the audience. Wayne, J.P., Jonathan and Brooke are reports for the Farmington Channel 4 Newsical. For some reason, J.P., Jonathan and Wayne sing ""My Girl"" in bathroom stalls. Brooke is an office co-worker trying to compete with Mya for Wayne's attention. Forward-reverse is an improvised 1940's film noir detective story about a stolen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Wayne and Mya perform a tribute to Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell - ""You're All I Need to Get By."" During the credits, more bloopers.
Wayne gives a rendition of ""Addicted to Love""; the game ""Gibberish Beat the Clock"" gives a member of the audience a chance to win $100; Brooke does a sketch about three fantasy dinner guests; a ventriloquist/rapper; and bloopers from the show.