6.9/10 by 29 users
Release Date:
Sun, Apr 13, 2003
Country: US | JP
Language: En | Ja
Runtime: 30
Country: US | JP
Language: En | Ja
Runtime: 30
Season 5:

The high take on the healthy in this special preview of Season Five.

The Adam and Eves challenge the Adam and Steves on this episode of MXC.

Only those at MXC bring together the spandex clad muscular flyers and the geeky internet folks for an all-out battle.

V.G.A.D.D. Awards - (Video Game Attention Deficit Disorder Awards).Team MXC celebrates the world of video games with the first ever (and likely last?) Video Game Attention Defecit Disorder (V. G. A. D. D.) awards as those who play the games take on the people who create them. Also, the Barrio Brothers make an appearence.

MXC brings you the battle between the forefathers of fornication and the peck-and-paw of extremely violent films. (Sorry, that's the best I can do.)

This MXC episode pits the hottest men in the world against celebrity jail bait.

Stuntmen take on funnymen on this MXC showdown.

MXC's newest battle pits the youthul rich people against men's magazine printers.

MXC brings a rivalry to a boil between members of Greenpeace and the people obsessed with their bodies.

MXC has its' third all-female show, pitting Hot Celebrity Mothers against Hot Chicks of primetime.

Workers at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20001 take on the rest of the world on this week's episode of MXC.

The famous people who you dislike take on the folks with the world's worst occupations. Need we say more about this MXC attraction?

It's sis-boom-bah versus Babagannosh on MXC!