Fish Hooks (2010)
This inventive animated comedy series, set inside a giant fish tank in Bud's Pet Shop, presents high school life as seen through the eyes of three BFFs (best fish friends), Bea, Milo and Oscar. Together they experience the typical life challenges and triumphs, including friendship, dating and sports, along with more atypical situations such as giant lobster attacks and, with the use of special land suits, school field trips to the hamster cages. The series was created by children's book illustrator Noah Z. Jones and features a notable voice cast. It's produced using an innovative mixture of digital animation and photo collage
- Noah Z. Jones
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 15
Season 3:
Milo is convinced that a new hamster TV show called “The Milo Show” is about him, but when the Milo character turns out to be a klutzy nerd, he heads to Hamsterwood to clear his name.
When a wealthy Chicken hires Bea to give swimming lessons to his difficult teenage daughter, she soon finds that the task is easier said than done.
Oscar's dream date with Bea is threatened when their friends tag along to hear him perform live.
Bea's overzealous good intentions create chaos at the annual fair.
When Bea’s dad lands a new job in Fish Phoenix, the gang sets out to find him a better job in Freshwater, so Bea won’t have to move away.
When Albert’s voice starts to change naturally, it seems like he’s finally going to be treated like a man. But when his new voice abandons him at the worst possible moment, he’ll have to learn that it’s not the voice that makes the man, but the man that makes the voice
When Fishington decides to cut the Drama Department, Bea and her friends decide to venture into Fishington’s brain to change her mind or else they’ll lose the department forever.
When Jumbo begins dating Oscar’s ex-girlfriend, things quickly turn awkward between the two, especially when Oscar’s attempts to make peace with his ex backfires and he appears to still be in love with her.
When Milo and Jocktopus are invited on a police ride-along, they are convinced it means they’re real cops and set out to prove it.
Milo wakes up in class to discover that everyone at Freshwater High has turned into a human! As he prepares for Shellsea’s epic Pool Party, Milo has to figure out what’s real and what’s not as he desperately tries to keep his party king reputation intact!
Mr. Baldwin wants to propose to Ms. Lips, but she's leaving on vacation to Flip Flop Island for the summer, so the kids come up with the perfect excuse to follow her – field trip!
Weary from his new duties as a father, Mr. Baldwin hands his babies out to the class to help babysit for the week. But after being paired together, Oscar and Bea quickly realize temporary Parenthood may tear them apart.
Milo joins Oscar, Albert, and Jumbo in their fantasy role-playing game, and fight for the rights of bunnies everywhere.
Milo befriends an adorable pony fish but worries that his manly friends won't understand.
Brandon Bubbler's manager sends him to Freshwater High to become a regular teenager.
Ms. Lips brings Baldwin to the racetrack to meet her disapproving parents. To prove he's man enough to marry her, Baldwin enters a race.
The school along with Brandon Bubbler go to a camp, where Bea tries to get Bubbler to date her. Meanwhile the kids try to escape the camp.
School gets cancelled for a day, and Milo wants to have some of in the snowy algae. But when no one wants to hang out with him, he hangs out with twins Dan and Ann Chovi.
A new shop is prepared for construction, and the only thing in the way is a plastic tree, one that Bea is planning to protect in the name of her childhood. But upon hearing news of who is in charge of the grand opening, she and Shellsea form a plan to save the tree and have the store built. The plan soon goes awry and they must try to get the tree back
Milo throws a party on a party bus
When Oscar is feeling down and left out, milo gives him a taste of his personality
When Finberley delivers the taco to the wrong customer, things go crazy when everyone chases the taco
When Shellsea says she has a "strange" friend, they sort out to try to set her up on a date with Michael, It is revealed that Shellsea's weird friend was Michael