Theodore Tugboat (1993)
Theodore Tugboat is a Canadian children's television series about a tugboat named Theodore who lives in the Big Harbour with all of his friends. The show originated in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada as a co-production between the CBC, and the now defunct Cochran Entertainment, and was filmed on a model set using radio controlled tugboats, ships, and machinery. Production of the show ended in 2001, and its distribution rights were later sold to Classic Media. The show premiered in Canada on CBC Television, then went to PBS, was on Qubo in the US, and at one time, had appeared in eighty different countries. The show deals with life learning issues portrayed by the tugs or other ships in the harbour. Most often, the tugs have a problem, or get involved in a struggle with each other or another ship, but they always manage to help one another resolve these problems and see them through. Their main focus however, is to always make the Big Harbour the friendliest harbour in the world, and to always do a good job with their work related tasks.
Country: CA
Language: Sv | En
Runtime: 13
Season 2:
George finds a ship that can't talk but little does he know that he could be putting himself in serious danger.
The Dispatcher can't hear properly due to a bad cold, this situation unfortunately leads to some confusion because he is not entirely sure what everyone else is saying exactly.
No one wants to play with Hank or even let him help. He at first feels very angry but a little later he feels very depressed. The other tugs soon join together to formulate a plan on how to apologize to Hank and make him feel better.
Theodore and Emily see a large light travelling across the sky one night. They at first think that it's a shooting star but it is later found out that it is something much, much bigger.
Foduck is chosen by The Dispatcher to be the Big Harbour's safety tug. While he is happy about this, he is also very dissapointed that he won't be able to go out on the open ocean.
Theodore runs into a spot of bother with Northumberland Submarine.
Theodore ends up in the middle of an argument between Emily and George.
Carla encourages Emily to cause trouble in the Big Harbour, will Emily build up the courage to say that she doesn't want to?
A weird ship named Snorri arrives in the Big Harbour. He seems to be rather rude but Theodore soon finds out that in fact, he is not.
George is sad that he didn't win the ""Tug of the Year"" contest, and he had practiced so hard for it too. His other tugboat friends decide to give him a big surprise to cheer him right up.
At first everyone laughs when Theodore accidentally makes a joke. Theodore likes this so he then tries to tell another joke, but on purpose. He can't figure out why nobody laughs at him again, so he tries to find out.
Emily has a full day of work to do but she really wants to meet a fishing trawler who has come from Russia. So she attempts to rush all her jobs but unfortunately she is just a bit too hasty for her own good.
Theodore requests to the Dispatcher for some time off which is agreed upon but soon gets very, very bored.
A string of unexpected, sudden changes to Foduck's routine deeply upset him because he liked the way his original routine was.
The Dispatcher loses his temper and makes an order to the other tugs to be as quiet as possible.
Theodore and Barrington Barge decide to play a joke on everyone by hiding from them. But they stay hidden too long and this causes everyone else in the harbour to be worried about them.
Theodore, George and Hank find an enormous ice sculpture floating in the water but can't tell what the object inside it is.
It's ""Big Harbour Fools' Day"" but unfortunately George doesn't take a liking to any of the jokes being played.
Guysborough the garbage barge turns Theodore's normal mood of being a bright and cheerful scamp into an old scrooge.
The Dispatcher sends Theodore out on a job where it is vital that he hugs the coast. Unfortunately he becomes distracted and disobeys orders.
Hank has a severe case of the hiccups that interfer with his work assigned to him.
Hank doesn't like his old name and makes himself a new one, that being 'Henry'. But this sudden name change leads to confusion among the harbour.
One night, Theodore and his friend Foduck get to experience the beautiful Northern Lights.
It's Theodore's birthday but everyone in The Big Harbour seems to have forgotten this special day.
While working Theodore's engine breaks down thus resulting in him only being able to go backwards. This incident makes him feel embarrased and so decides to try and hide from everyone the fact that he can't go forward.