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Going Down Under
Fed up of tribes, jungles and eating tree bark the boys head to Australia to try out Adrenalin highs, but where do these rate in their search for the perfect trip? With a Sanchez style twist here and there they might just find the Ultimate Natural High Down Under!
Release Date:
Fri, Sep 26, 2008
Country: GB
Language: En
Runtime: 21
Country: GB
Language: En
Runtime: 21
Lee Dainton
Matthew Pritchard
Season 1:

Pritchard and Dainton track down two of Brazil's most potent tribal highs, Kampo, a frog poison administered straight into the blood stream and Ayahuasca, the Amazon's strongest natural hallucinogen.

The boys head north to Mexico. They start their journey performing as clowns in one of Mexico's famous rodeos. A little bruised and sore Pritchard attempts to get high from the sting of the Mexican Paper Wasp, which is delivered straight to the cock.

After landing the in the notorious capital Manila, the boys hit a local market, sampling two of the Philippines most famous aphrodisiacs crocodile penis and an 18 day old duck foetus. Pritchard and Dainton then track down the ancient brotherhood of Haring Bakal whose brethren are impervious to pain from all metals. The boys then head for the hills where they are welcomed by the Banaue tribe who share with them their ancient and traditional 'party drug' Betel Nut.

After landing in Cambodia the boys try out some local remedies in the form of coin scraping and suction cupping before swallowing a beating snakes heart said to increase their strength and aggression. They then turn their attention to Kratom, a traditional natural sedative before trying to cure Pritchard's S.T.D's with a dose of cock leeches before hitting the country to see if Buffalo semen really is an energy drink and trying out the ancient 'hallucinogenic' cactus Phkar Rom Tuk Rom.

The boys arrive in South Africa and head straight for the Zulu tribe to get high on the Muti Enema, said to give you strength and aggression. Little did they know it is administered anally and 2 Liters later the boys paint the town brown! To test whether the enema has worked they're thrown into the ring with the young Zulu stick fighters. Thinking that the pain was over for another day the boys are then suspended by African meat hooks in an ancient African tradition meant to summon the dead!

Fed up of tribes, jungles and eating tree bark the boys head to Australia to try out Adrenalin highs, but where do these rate in their search for the perfect trip? With a Sanchez style twist here and there they might just find the Ultimate Natural High Down Under!

India is about getting spiritually high but however hard they try, however many spiritual gurus they speak to, it all ends in a w**k! Two in a bed?

Having explored every corner of the globe for natural highs Japan is the final destination on the boys trip, offering up endurance, gambling and sex highs. They've done pretty much every other natural high on offer around the world but will a prostate massage and Japscat (a lady pooping on one's face) triumph over all the others?