Big Lake (2010)
Big Lake is an American comedy television series on Comedy Central that debuted on August 17, 2010, and ran for one season. The series was picked up using a similar model as Tyler Perry's House of Payne and Meet The Browns with an initial 10 episode order by Comedy Central, with an option to pick up the series for an additional 90 episodes, to have 100 episodes available for syndication. The deal was not picked up after Comedy Central passed on a second season.
- Lew Morton
- Adam McKay
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 30
Season 1:
When Josh loses his job in New York he has to move back into his parents' house in Big Lake, Pennsylvania.
After discovering that Lee Harvey Oswald lived in his home, Glenn goes to the mayor and tries to convince him to build a memorial site at his house Josh attempts to turn his life around by taking a history test that he failed in high school.
After getting evicted from his home, Chris starts living in his classroom, where the violent janitors and a lack of privacy drive him extremely crazy, so he decides to move in with Josh, whose family seems to love Chris more than him.
After getting evicted from his home, Chris starts living in his classroom, where the violent janitors and a lack of privacy drive him extremely crazy, so he decides to move in with Josh, whose family seems to love Chris more than him.
Chris and Glenn replace Josh with a new best friend after Josh starts working.
Josh becomes convinced that his family is the source of his problems, so he convinces his parents and brother to visit an unlicensed therapist, who completely destroys his plans when he tells everyone that Josh is the family's problem.
The Mayor goes under anesthesia for a colonoscopy, which places Chris in his position for 24 minutes, and during that time, he has a great rise and fall Jeremy's behavior gets Linda thrown in Jail, greatly upsetting Josh.