6.6/10 by 8 users
Tournament of the Kairu Cube
Team Stax, the Hiverax, the Imperiaz, and the Raddacor compete for the possession of the entire Kairu Cube.
Release Date:
Sat, Jul 16, 2011
Country: CA | FR | US
Language: Fr
Runtime: 22
Country: CA | FR | US
Language: Fr
Runtime: 22
Fabrício Vila Verde
Ky Stax/ Metanoid
Lhays Macedo
Maya/ Harrier
Gustavo Nader
Boomer/ Froztok
Francisco Junior
Mestre Boaddai
Rodrigo de Oliveira
Season 2:

Team Stax travels to Lokar's Lair to stop him once and for all. But they run into trouble and destroy his lair. Lokar is no where to be found after this.

Team Radikor discovers that Lokar is missing. Zane comes to the conclusion that Lokar is gone forever. Meanwhile Team Stax meets Aldo in a village that is made in treetops. Team Stax discovers Zane has become more powerful.

Team Stax are surprised to see a new team of E-Teens, three triplet brothers who are frightening: the Hiverax.

Team Stax are sent to an island in search of Kairu. They discover not only their friend Ekayon but also harmful influences of Dark Kairu.

Team Imperiaz discover where Lokar has hidden their parents. The only problem is, Zane now holds the key to their release.

Team Stax meets three new warriors in training. Aprix, Gia and Balistar. The three go off on their own and meet up Team Radikor. Team Stax comes to their rescue.

Team Stax discovers the Kairu Cube. They battle Team Hiverax for it. Ky is trying to control his Plasma Metanoid, but is struggling. However, Team Stax prevails in the end, taking home the Kairu Cube. Upon returning, Master Boaddai reveals that they have only found half of the cube, and that the other half is useless if it falls into the wrong hands.

Team Stax travels back to Kieran's Castle. A possessed lion statue has been attacking Kieran. It is up to Team Stax to defeat it.

Team Radikor obtains new monsters and battle Team Stax.

Maya has a vision with Team Hiverax reporting to a strange figure that looks like Lokar.

Team Stax is in the midst of their latest quest. Back at the monastery, just as Master Baoddai is about to show Team Tiro one of his inner Kairu/water-levitating moves, a shadowy energy reaches Baoddai and completely drains him of his energy.

Boomer wins a Platinum Froztok. It helps Team Stax defeat Team Imperiaz, while helping the Bayouviens.

Team Stax unknowingly locate Lokar's new lair. They discover that Lokar survived the explosion since his old lair was destroyed.

Team Stax, the Hiverax, the Imperiaz, and the Raddacor compete for the possession of the entire Kairu Cube.

Radikor and Team Stax find that a squid that turned giant because of shadow kairu attacked Nanook and Cayoosh's village.

Maya dropped her communicator in the midst of a battle and Diara got a hold of it. She faked Maya's voice and lured Team Tyro into their trap.

Team Stax find a village separated into two by a wall, one side is thriving due to good Kairu and the other side is in bad shape due to shadow Kairu in the land.

In a battle with the Imperiez, Maya uses her shadow Kairu X-Drives to save Boomer and win but is affected by it.

The Hiverax tricks Mookee into thinking that he has great powers and Zane has Palladium and plans to attack Baoddai. They give him a X-Reader to beat Zane so that they would become Lokar's number one team again.

After Maya obtains a Platinum Harrier, the Hiverax challenges them to test their new attack which splits Ky into two, one possessing the thinking ability but is too careful, the other the courage but is reckless.

After getting beat again by Team Stax and gotten reprimanded by Lokar, the Imperiez decides to steal the Kairu in the monastery in order to impress Lokar.

The Hiverax lure the Radikor onto the electro-magnetic island with set Kairu in order to eliminate them. But, Team Stax also gets pulled onto the island.

The Hiverax battle team Stax but the Kairu deposit drops into the river and two of the Hiverax jumps into the river to go after it, leaving Hexus to deal with Team Stax. When Maya hit Hexus with an attack, he falls into a trans like state with his eyes glowing red. Team Stax bring him onto the X-Caper in order for Master Baoddai to take a look.