Back to the Future (1991)
An animated series for television based on the Back to the Future trilogy of feature films. Based on the highly successful Back to the Future movie trilogy, this series is set, um, "after" the events of the last film, as the adventures of Marty McFly and Doc Brown in their DeLorean time machine continue. Joining the ride is Clara, (Doc's wife from Back To The Future Part III,) Jules and Verne (their sons) Einstein the dog and Jennifer (Marty's girlfriend). And apparently there's a Tannen in every time as relatives of Biff keep popping up, and creating conflict. Mary Steenburgen and Tom Wilson reprise their roles from the movies. During live portions of the show, Christopher Lloyd reprised his role as Doc Brown and was joined by Bill Nye, who conducted experiments that were used in the show.
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 23
Season 2:
Marty and Verne travel to 1500s Caribbean, where Verne hopes to get an earring and Marty has to deal with pirate Mac The Black.
Marty and Verne meet Mr. Wisdom, who hosts a popular children's science show. As it turns out, Doc and Mr. Wisdom were college roommates. Doc doesn't recall it with fondness, as Mr. Wisdom stole his invention for a science fair and won. Things apparently haven't changed as Mr. Wisdom has stolen the DeLorean!
After Biff plans to evict Jennifer's family from their ranch, Marty goes to the Old West to stop Biff's family from getting the ranch deed.
On a trip to the 1940s, Verne enters a dance contest with his future dance instructor, Dorothy, while Marty gets drafted.
Verne and his new friend, Chris, go see a 1930s circus, which the owners are about to lose to landlord Farmer Tannen.
Characters from Verne's new favorite video game, BraveLord and Monstrux, come to life in a weird accident. Doc can't fix this situation because he's been sent into the game.
Jules tries to grow a money tree to become popular at school, which leads to troubles with the media and the FBI.
Verne gets sick of his name after kids keep making fun of him and goes to great lengthes to get it changed, even going back to see his parents just before he's born.
Just before the Founder's Day Celebration, the town loses all its electricity again because of Doc. His attempt to fix it makes things worse, causing everyone to want the Brown family kicked out of town.
After finding a strange craft in Doc's bushes, Biff claims Doc is an alien and everyone believes him. In 1967, Marty, Jules and Verne arrive to discover the truth.
Marty and the boys learn Doc had a stint in wrestling during the fifties, but never really competed. Travelling back in time, Marty and the boys attempt to get Doc to enter the ring. This unfortunately leads to him getting hit on the head and becoming a bumbling superhero.
While at the Brown house, Doc's hair cutting invention wreaks havoc on Marty's hair. Marty and boys go to find Doc, who is with Clara at the 1904 World's Fair, to fix this mess. But Marty then gets put in a side show by P.T. Tannen.
Verne uses the DeLorean to look for something to bring in for show and tell, finding a dinosaur egg. Unfortunately, the egg hatches in the present and it becomes more and more difficult to hide it.