Squidbillies (2004)
Squidbillies is an animated television series about the Cuylers, an impoverished family of anthropomorphic hillbilly mud squids living in the Appalachian region of Georgia's mountains. The show is produced by Williams Street Studios for the Adult Swim programming block of Cartoon Network and premiered on October 16, 2005. It is written by Dave Willis, co-creator of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Jim Fortier, previously of The Brak Show, both of whom worked on the Adult Swim series Space Ghost Coast to Coast. The animation is done by Awesome Incorporated, with background design by Ben Prisk.
- Dave Willis
- Matt Maiellaro
- Jim Fortier
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 11
Season 13:
Early exercises his freedom of speech by speaking differently from now on.
Early revisits the storage unit where he spent his childhood.
Early poses as a military veteran to save 10% on an omelet.
Early achieves enlightenment, then shoves it down everyone else's throat.
The exploits of a squid family and their interactions with the community.
Early is forced to choose between his community and his hats.
Saying farewell to America's favorite animated family.