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Monk, la cata sur pattes (2009)
Monk Little Dog is a CG American animated television series created by Sungjae Kim for a channel FX, was premiere on June 16, 2009 and ended on June 11, 2010, the series was aired on Canal+ for a French distribution, the series is in actual rerun.
- Sungjae Kim
Release Date:
Tue, Jun 16, 2009
Language: En | Fr
Language: En | Fr
Season 1:
Monk wants to hang a picture on Kimmi´s wall, but all enter out of control because monk destroys the Kimmi´s house.
Monk try watch your favourite TV series: The Mi-hie Adventure, but Ding bugs Monk
Monk meet the Kimmi´s pet, Sushi, and began with "left foot".