Tooned (2012)
Tooned is an animated cartoon by McLaren starring Jenson Button, Sergio Pérez and comedian Alexander Armstrong. It aired on Sky Sports F1 before the start of each Formula 1 race. The first season, which starred former McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton aired from the 2012 British Grand Prix onwards. The second season aired from the 2013 British Grand Prix onwards. All episodes can be watched on McLaren's YouTube channel and the Sky Sports F1 website any time after the premiere. The episodes are a little more than 3 minutes long. On 16 May 2014 it was announced on McLaren's YouTube Channel that a season 3 was in progress. It was announced when Jenson Button was shown a picture of his 2014 team mate Kevin Magnussen's character on Tooned and also added that 'the production of Season 3 was going well'. In 2016 a 'one-off special',again starring Alexander Armstrong and Jenson Button,to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of James Hunt winning the Driver's World Championship,was produced,introducing current Driver Fernando Alonso to the world of Tooned!
- Chris Waitt
- Henry Trotter
Country: GB
Language: En
Season 3:
Professor M proves to the trio of drivers you can never know too much about motor oil.
Jenson Button, Kevin Magnussen, Tony Stewart and Professor M take us back to 1974, the year that Mobil 1 synthetic lubricants were first launched. After the trip back in time, the team witnesses first hand how Mobil 1 stands up under extreme conditions, the question is...will they?
In the third and final chapter of Oil: An Odyssey, our TOONED heroes, Jenson Button, Kevin Magnussen, Tony Stewart and Professor M come to some conclusions about Mobil 1, why it's been the oil of choice for the McLaren Mercedes team for 20 years and how it makes Tony's car go faster.