4.2/10 by 10 users
Girl Meets Bear (2016)
The anime follows Machi, a middle school student who serves as a shrine maiden at a Shinto shrine and takes care of a bear, who lives on mountain in Japan's northern Tohoku region. The bear, Natsu, has the ability to talk and is Machi's guardian. When Machi explains to Natsu that she will attend a school in the city, he gives Machi a set of trials that she must pass in order to be able to survive city life.
Release Date:
Sun, Apr 03, 2016
Country: JP
Language: Ja
Runtime: 25
Country: JP
Language: Ja
Runtime: 25
Natsumi Hioka
Amayadori Machi
Hiroki Yasumoto
Kumai Natsu
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Amayadori Yoshio
Shizuka Ishigami
Eri Kitamura
Sakata Hibiki
Yuko Sanpei