Challenge of the GoBots (1984)
Challenge of the GoBots is an American animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera, based on the Gobots toy-line released from Tonka. The show originally debuted in animated form as a five-part miniseries, which aired in syndication from October 29 - November 2, 1984. A regular series followed the next year, premiering on September 16, 1985 as part of the new weekday/weekend morning programming block called The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera. The series was later rerun on the USA Cartoon Express.
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 30
Season 2:
The Chronos Time Transporter creates a time portal, allowing users to pass through and visit other time periods. Before the Guardians get a chance to test it, the Renegades show up.
The Renegades are at it again. This time sending a probe to earth , in a try at gaining access to a protected base. Scooter decides to check it out on his own. What will he discover, and will the Guardians be in time to stop the Renegades.
The Renegades form an alliance with a cyborg super-villain named Trident, who helps them kidnap leaders and dignitaries from all around the world.
Cy-Kill dupes the alien adventurer Alva-Nar into attacking GoBotron with his mighty armada.
Cy-Kill hatches a devious plan to trap the Guardians with phony SOS of a mining ship in distress.
A remote outpost is attacked by Renegades, who kidnap Mobius and steal his Inverter Ray. With the help of Braxis, they turn the weapon against Gobotron, as Mobius's son Danny teams up with the Guardians in a rescue attempt.