The City (2008)
The City is an American reality television series that originally aired on MTV from December 29, 2008 until July 13, 2010. Developed as the spin-off of The Hills, the series aired two seasons and focused on the personal and professional lives of several young women residing in New York City, New York. The series originally focused on Whitney Port, who appeared in its predecessor, as she began employment with Diane von Fürstenberg. It additionally placed emphasis on her workplace rival Olivia Palermo, Port's boyfriend Jay Lyon, his roommate Adam Senn, and her friend Erin Lucas. The latter three were replaced by Port's roommate Roxy Olin and Palermo's enemy Erin Kaplan for the second half of the first season.
- Adam DiVello
Country: US
Language: En
Runtime: 30
Season 2:
Olivia gets promoted to be the new face of Meanwhile, Whitney gets a once in lifetime chance to show her line at New York Fashion Week when one of Kelly's designers drops out....
Whitney has no time to rest after her first big fashion show, when Kelly pushes her to market her line. Olivia however, refuses to support Whitney Eve at ELLE Magazine.
Roxy has a date-like meeting with Zach. Meanwhile, Whitney and Olivia go head-to-head after Olivia decides to interview her friend for ELLE, instead of covering Whitney's line.
Erin and Olivia bump heads on how to dress Fergie for an ELLE cover shoot. Meanwhile, Whitney is torn when a French photographer wants to take the relationship to the next level.
Roxy's bad judgement at Whitney's Glamour magazine meeting threatens Whitney's reputation. Meanwhile, Olivia plays the role of party socialite with Joe Zee....
Olivia goes against her boss and refuses to wear a designer to their joint party with ELLE while Whitney receives harsh criticism of her line from Joe Zee.
Erin and Olivia get into an argument at work and Whitney pushes her line to fashion trade show buyers and blames Roxy for a failed sale.
Roxy and Whitney's relationship is put to the test and Olivia helps Erin with a segment for the Martha Stewart Show.
Tension with Whitney leads Roxy to look for her own place, plus Olivia reluctantly styles a celebrity in Whitney Eve.
When Olivia travels to Japan, Erin tries to permanently replace her with Louise. Plus, Whitney must decide between her loyalty to Kelly and a rival PR firm that wants to represent her.