Ancient Earth (2017)
Ancient Earth is an original CuriosityStream documentary series running for 2 seasons. Each season comprises of 3-3 episodes, respectively that feature stunning animations in Ultra HD 4K quality. The 1st season sheds light on the kind of life that existed in the Permian, Triassic and Cretaceous periods. The 2nd season is about some crucial moments in the evolution of life: the disappearance of the giant insects, the rise of the feathered dinosaurs, and the dawn of the mammals.
Country: US
Language: En
Season 2:
Giant insects once dominated the earth before the dinosaurs. Thanks to new technologies combining genetics, ethology, geology and even particle physics, paleontologists can now recreate the missing branches of the tree of life. Assumptions have been shattered and all the rules are changing.
Thanks to new technologies combining genetics, ethology, geology and even particle physics, paleontologists can now recreate the missing branches of the tree of life. Now, paleontologists can show that there were far more feathered dinosaurs than previously believed.
Thanks to new technologies combining genetics, ethology, geology and even particle physics, paleontologists can now recreate the missing branches of the tree of life. Because of this, it has been discovered that prehistoric mammals were more varied and numerous than previously thought.